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Quote:For ethical and legal reasons the MyBB group also chooses not to provide support to websites containing any of the following:
Illegal file distribution or piracy
Any other forms of illegal activity
Racist or hateful content

Users known to operate a website which contains any of the above will be noted by staff and they will be denied support in all future instances, regardless of whether the support is intended for another acceptable site operated by the user. This is because otherwise MyBB staff can not be certain if their support is benefiting an acceptable site or one that is not.

This is going to make a lot of members in our circle ineligible for official MyBB Support.
So this basicly means that HackForums (and/or SF) can't get support from MyBB due to the content?
Well, I"m sure you won't have the worst time without support Omniscient but that's rather annoying for those running sites. Luckily though you can find other methods of support(as they said).

I'm not sure why they would have an opinion to not help people PERIOD if you own one of these sites and need support for your other site. It's understandable though I suppose to not help on just that site specifically though.

Appreciative of your mybbcentral post by the way, it's good you're willing to help those who are in the same situation.
I thought you are well know at Omni...
Quote:Users known to operate a website which contains any of the above will be noted by staff and they will be denied support in all future instances, regardless of whether the support is intended for another acceptable site operated by the user.

That part is going to affect us the most. I know you don't really need support with MyBB but what if something is beyond your control? Are they willing to make any exceptions? I hope so, and if not... then that really does blow.
And by no means am I complaining about the policy. I'm only stating it so people are informed.
So how does this effect you Omni? Or you pretty much know myBB like the back of your hand?
I doubt Omni will be seeking MyBB support. This is good to know, i wonder if they consider my forum about hacking..
Wow, that pretty much covers 70% of the Mybb forums out there.
I don't see how they can get away with that.
70%?? That's quite an exaggeration. The vast majority of people who ask for support are eligible for it. We've certainly not denied support to 70% of people that ask for support.
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