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Full Version: :NEW: Our second action movie.
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Okay first off the effects aren't very good, neither the muzzle flashes but we are getting better. Well we know the ending makes no sense but we just had to stop filming. Our next movie will be ALOT better because I will be using AE instead of Vegas for the special effects, allowing me to motion track and blend explosions/dirt hits.

Please leave a comment? And all hurtful comments will be deleted. LMAO.
Nice dude how long did it take?
Yeah, this was actually pretty cool. Those are very nice effects, and your editing skills will only get better with time. Keep up the good work!
It was a pretty awesome ending, at the beginning it's pretty boring but at the end it's perfect. Pretty nice effects, like the gun pressure etc... Nicely done!
Looks pretty cool, I love the dramatic music in the background.
Thanks for the positive feedback! The filming took about 3 hours, and the editing 3-4