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Just buy yourself a DS and play Tamagotchi with your Girlfriend.
Lol Raverwill, she doesn't have a DS.
Just an update everyone, today is my 7th day without playing any xbox at all besides the movie i watched on Netflix. I feel a lot better! Thanks for the support everyone. I guess I can update this every once in a while...
Even though it's addicting. Go hang out with your friend more especially your girlfriend.
Then get on your xbox when you get back home.
Your video games aren't going anywhere.
I used to play Halo loads, I just realized things in my life were better than Halo so I don't play much anymore, I got my 5 star in 1 year exactly and then after I got that it took me 7 more months to reach 6000 so I stopped playing by quite a bit.
When your in this kind of state, when you know you've done something wrong, break all your game discs and xbox. Break the controllers, headset etc. and go hang out with your girlfriend right after. You need a clean break, you can't be weaned off such an addiction. Then go apologise to those two friends of yours and say what a dick you've been.
Maybe you can reset your priorities.

Set things that you find more important, to be more time-spent.
so your gf play xbox too?
well my girlfriend isn't a hardcore xbox gamer girl, Mike. lol. She is more of a gamer where if I was on she would go on and we'd play some customs or go into social.
Today is my 11th day off of all gaming. I'm feeling absolutely amazing because I feel like I've accomplished something everyday. My girlfriend is being unbelievably supportive because she knows how much I used to play. I get the occasional joke if she plays with her older brother, but I feel a lot more happy. Apparently I'm a lot more funny too.
I went and apologized to my ex, who is my best friend, and she was fine with it. I don't really have urges to play anymore.
Start going to church and helping poor persons around you , it will help you a bit , but its worth than doing nothing.
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