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So when exercising, is there any specific muscle groups in your body (i.e. biceps, triceps, quads, etc) that should be focused on to get the maximum effect of stabilising and/or reducing your blood sugar levels on a consistent basis?
Well, It is better to focus on the three core areas of muscle development; muscle mass, muscle density and muscular endurance. When training, these are the areas in which you monitor your improvement. My recommendation is to start my training for muscle mass in order to help you ignite your fat burning potential and increase your metabolism.
It depends on the exercise you going to take.
Theres really no certain muscle you need to work on. Just overall stay healthy and in shape. Eat good foods.
You should just do Cardio just to get lean, and stay physical.
1) The number one way you can lower your blood sugar is by eating the right foods. The types that are digested slower help to maintain good sugar levels such as fruits - apples, oranges, pears - vegetables such as - peas, zucchini - and grains such as - oatmeal, barley, granola.

Even if you already have diabetes, these foods can help you to keep it under control. Because diabetes, when uncontrolled can cause circulation problems as well as other problems, there should be an ongoing regimen to stay as healthy as possible.

2) Exercise is another way you can control blood sugar levels. If you exercise in the morning before eating this can lower your glucose just about as well as medication. The alternative to medicines to regulate blood sugar can be exercise is it is maintained on a regular basis. Not only is it beneficial in this way but losing weight and keeping a healthy weight can reduce the incidence of diabetes.

3) Eating four to five small meals a day rather than three large meals will also help to lower your blood sugar.

4) Avoid drinking a lot of soft drinks because they are high in sugar and carbohydrates. Many people drink six and eight soft drinks a day. One 12 ounce soft drink contains 11 teaspoons of sugar. This is eventually going to cause a problem.

5) Before taking over the counter drugs always read the ingredients and what effects they may have on you. Many times these types of drugs can cause an increase in blood sugar levels.

6) Find out why your blood sugar levels are high. This can differ from individual to individual and you need to know the specific reasons for your high levels. This can help you to know what to do to lower them. Stress is one situation that can cause higher levels. If your blood sugar level is high due to stress you need to make some changes in your lifestyle.

As well as eating healthy, there are certain foods that you should not eat. Foods such as potatoes, pasta , and foods that are high in carbohydrates should be avoided. Because the body turns carbohydrates to sugar this will add more sugar to your diet. Lowering the intake of carbohydrates will help you to lower your blood sugar. This is not to say you cannot have carbohydrates at all. But you should eat foods that are low in carbohydrates such as chicken, seafood, and turkey. Certain vegetables are also low such as broccoli, asparagus, and greens. Salad ingredients are also another way of getting the vitamins you need while still eating a low carbohydrate diet.

Taken from google. Try it, it's your friend.
Cardio would imho be best suited to control blood sugar levels. But you should consult a physician or a personal trainer.
you should do your core muscles they will make you run father jump higher and help you in sports, if you only train 1 muscle group you can damage them or cause problem up the road.
I personally think that leg and torso's muscle is the best thing to work out.
It will help you a lot if you have strong legs, because they will support your back, and with a strong back, it will support your head, etc. etc.
But after you become healthy, start working on those, then abs, then arms.
Although most people go backwards since they want to look buff.
What I would do is split up the body parts each day of the week. Ex. Monday Chest, Tuesday Back, Wednesday Arms, Thursday Legs, Friday Full Body. That always works for me.
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