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Why buy another server?
Ok back then when Omni rule HF, I remember he said about buying another server for HF. The reason is that if I'm not mistaken to avoid HF from DDOS attack.
Can someone tell me how does this happen?
Can we avoid DDOS attack by script? (noob question)

Thanks in advance.
Not quite sure, but maybe if one server gets DDosed he can fix it while the other server keeps HF up and running. Otherwise I don't see how it would help.
[Image: izsyo6.jpg]

No, it is so the database can be on one server, and the http can be on another. It allows less load to be on the server each quarry.
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Having more hardware can be effective method if configured properly to prevent DDOS attacks. You can do load balancers, dedicated firewalls, and split up your database from your http server. Right now HF runs on 3 servers.
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wow 3 server that alot.....wonder how can i configure them
They've got an image server running as well, ultimately reducing server loads.
He made a picture of how all the servers worked, and I can remember thinking how clever the setup was.
I'm interested in said picture, I haven't seen it.
Do you know how to make games? Do you know 3d Modeling? If so then visit
[Image: logo.png]
I'd like to see the picture Big Grin

Hats off to you Omni, you're a smart guy - how did you learn all this?
Setting this up is pretty easy, I mean all you need to do is have MySQLd running on another box and reconfigure your website to connect to the new server, I never looked into how the whole image server thing works for HF, but I imagine Omni just changed the theme images directory, and possibly modified some MyBB code and got remote avatar uploads working, or he's using a NFS mount or something...who knows lol.
Back on topic, to my knowledge it's impossible to fully migrate a DDoS attack using _just_ a script, the most you can do is make the services that the packets are trying to hit ignore the packets, the most this will do is
1) lower server load (no processing of the packets)
2) save bandwidth (if the service tries to reply to the packets [http.etc])

Sure this sounds good, but the packets will still be going down the pipe and clogging stuff up, the most effective way is 'migrating' the attack using a dedicated firewall.etc
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