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Free Video Course + Cool Exercises
VIDEO PYTHON COURSE – 36 Videos and growing rapidly.
Emphasis is on trying to make programming free and fun! Grow your own fun programs like the Mandelbrot set and John Conways Game of Life.

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This is a complete list with short description of videos for Python 3.3 + Course.
Playlists include:

19 video tutorial: Great for revision or if you have come from another language, each ending with a quick demonstration with neat tips and tricks along the way.
33 video Course: Great for beginners covering everything from downloading and programming Paradigms to Functions, Modules and soon Classes and Object Orientation. This is a combination of the Tutorials to introduce you to a topic followed by an exercise to hammer it home and reveal more neat tricks and tips.
13 video exercises: Use these exercises to see what we have learnt in action. Also take a look at some really cool things that can be accomplished using some simple control flow. Grow your own Game of life (, create your own Mandelbrot set (, and more from these fun exercises.
+ More videos for helpful information.

Complete Video List:

Python 0.0 - Downloading and installing Running Time: 1:47

Eyn2k about downloading and installing Python 3.0 + to get started scripting in Python. You may want to use another Python Text editor with line numbers such as PyCharm or Boa.
See link here:

Python 0.5 - Inbuilt Modules Running Time: 4:06

Eyn2k about Pythons inbuilt modules such as generating random numbers and accessing the clock.
See link here:

Python 0.6 - Graphics Module Running Time: 4:17

Eyn2k about the graphics module created by John Zelle, this module is a great, fun way to learn scripting in Python. It will help us to visualize our code and be able to quickly grasp Object Orientated Paradigms.
See link here:

Python 1.0 – Arithmetic Running Time: 4:53

Eyn2k about working with Arithmetic in Python; Precedence and tricks.
See link here:

Python 1.1 – Arithmetic Running Time: 6:44

An in depth look at arithmetic operations in the Python console. How to solve a quadratic equation in Python and a quick look at floating point errors.
See link here:

Python 1.2 - Floor and Modulo

Eyn2k about using the floor and modulo operands in Python. These took me some time to get my head around at first so taking some time to familiarise yourself with them is no shame.
See link here:

Python 1.3 - cube roots Running Time: 2:01

Eyn2k about accessing cube roots of values and floating point errors in Python.
See link here:

Python 2.0 - Assigning Variables Running Time: 2:27

Eyn2k about assigning variables in python and the Python “Run-time stack”.
See link here:

Python 2.1 - Exercises Variables Running Time: 2:55

Take some time to play with variables, building the tools to write ‘beautiful code’ in future. (See link below to see a great talk on ‘the beautiful code’)
See link here:

Python 3.0 - Variable Types Running Time: 5:19

Eyn2k on Variable Types, dynamically typed languages and an introduction to sets.
See link here:

Python 3.1 - Assigning Variables Running Time: 3:26

Take some time to play variable types, fundamental for strong programming.
See link here:

Python 4.0 – Strings Running Time: 5:38

Eyn2k about string manipulation in Python. String concatenation, repetition, immutable and mutable and indexing.
See link here:

Python 4.1 – Strings Running Time: 2:28

These tools are often overlooked with great peril to the individual later when programming, you will encounter inputs which need manipulation often. Understanding string manipulation will help you to understand how the Python Interpreter reads your code.
See link here:

Python 5.0 - Text Editor Running Time: 1:56

Eyn2k to get started in the python text editor, this is where you write your code so that you can save and run it in future.
See link here:

Python 6.0 - Input and Print Running Time: 2:46

Eyn2k about getting user input from the console so that it can be manipulated and the result displayed back to the console.
See link here:

Python 7.0 - Logic Statements Running Time: 5:48

Eyn2k about if – elif – else control flow, Logic Operators, an introduction to Boolean evaluations and Comparison Operators. We recommend this tutorial is followed by the exercises.
See link here:

Python 7.1 - Control Flow - Boolean Operands Running Time: 4:16

Eyn2k about Boolean operands and optimising checks for faster results.
See link here:

Python 7.2 - Control Flow - if - elif- else Running Time: 6:25

Eyn2k about the ‘if-elif-else’ control flow. A closer look at its structure and essential elements.
See link here:

Python 8.0 - for loop Running Time: 3:19

Eyn2k about Pythons for loop. If you have come from another Programming language, with a little practice you will quickly come to enjoy pythons ‘for loop’ being able to quickly give you access to individual elements one at a time.
See link here:

Python 8.1 - for loop Running Time: 4:21

Take a further look at accessing individual values using the ‘for loop’. Become familiar with using the length of an object to grant access to its index values.
See link here:

Python 8.2 - for loop - Graphics Window Running Time: 4:02

Create an image in the graphics window; this is a building block exercise for creating a graphics calculator with advanced Polynomials, Trigonometry and a check for zeros and other functions. (Exercises 18.2 and 19.2, to come)
See link here:

Python 9.0 - while loop Running Time: 3:03

Eyn2k about the while loop in Python and how to escape from the dreaded infinite loop.
See link here:

Python 9.1 - while loop - time something Running Time: 3:04

A fun and interesting look at exercises for the while loop using a clock to time something and displaying the outcome. The result may surprise you!
See link here:

Python 9.2 - while loop - Graphics Zoom Running Time: 5:37

This is a cool exercise that will allow the user to click a point in the graphics window and zoom into that location. Do not worry yourself with the math too much, you will need some time playing with the window to become familiar with offsets.
See link here:

Python 9.3 - Mandelbrot Set Running Time: 13:04

This is one of our favourite exercises, this little practical exercise will show you how easily you can create some really cool and powerful things using only a points of check for control flow.
See link here:
See link here for here for Numberphiles description of the Mandelbrot set:

Python 9.4 - Colour Creator Running Time: 8:07

Create a gridded window to a scale dependent on a variable. We will colour the blocks we click on the grid a random colour in this instance showing how to create your own colors using the graphics module. This exercise is a building exercise for John Conway’s game of life and creating board games in Python. (Next for Board Indexing – 19.3)
See link here:

Python 10.0 - De-Bugger Running Time: 4:34

Eyn2k about Pythons inbuilt de-bugger and avoiding bugs in the first place. Some will argue the de-bugger can only hinder learning because, “the print statement is the ultimate de-bugger”. Though becoming familiar with both early we thought would be in your best interest.
See link here:

Python 11.0 - Exception Handling Running Time: 3:38

Eyn2k about exception handling in Python. A code should “never do anything unexpected by the programmer” (exceptions for type Mandelbrot/Game of life). When possible it is important to de-bug using the necessary control flow statements such that while you are not getting required result; perform here. Though sometimes, especially when handling input, this is simply not practical.
See link here:

Python 12.0 - File Input Output Running Time: 3:39

Eyn2k about writing to and reading from text files and storing the result in variables for manipulation.
See link here:

Python 13.0 – Lists Running Time: 4:45

Eyn2k about list indexing and manipulation in Python. As you may see, this is a much loved variable of ours, its versatility as an object is great for quick practical use. Lists are a mutable container.
See link here:

Python 14.0 – Tuples Running Time: 2:22

Eyn2k about manipulating tuples in Python, an immutable container, which you will encounter often in Python.
See link here:

Python 15.0 – Dictionaries Running Time: 2:39

Eyn2k about accessing dictionary ‘key’ – ‘values’ and manipulating items. Dictionaries are a mutable container.
See link here:

Python 16.0 - Functions Running Time: 4:13

Eyn2k about using functions in Python, a necessary step to writing ‘beautiful code’. Understanding Functions in python is essential, so take your time getting through the next few tutorials and exercises. (More exercises to come this week)
See link here:

Python 17.0 - Functions Scope Running Time: 3:09

Eyn2k about Local and Global variables in Python. Spend some time practicing manipulating Variables in both instances. (More exercises to come this week)
See link here:

Python 18.0 - Functions Passing Parameters Running Time: 8:54

Eyn2k about the five ways of passing parameters in Python. Each will become useful at some point in time and this Tutorial in particular may require some time. (More exercises to come this week)
See link here:

Python 19.0 – Modules Running Time: 3:24

Eyn2k about creating using and writing your own modules in Python. This is something that you will come to like more over time, its usefulness is not always apparent early.
See link here:

Python 19.3 - Board Indexing Running Time: 18:49

This exercise will allow you to gather information on objects next to a given block on the board we created in Exercise 9.4 – Colour Creator. This is the building blocks to creating a board game in Python and John Conways “Game of Life” (Exercise 19.4).
See link here:

Python 19.4 - Game Of Life Running Time: 15:27

This is a very cool exercise to creating John Conways “Game of Life”. This requires indexing the neighbours of every block and checking if it needs to be born or dying.
See link here:
See link here for here for Numberphiles’ interview with John Conway:

Thank you for your time

Eyn2k does not ever charge for its resources and is designed to be 100% open source. As such, since we have received a request to make videos downloadable they will be in the very near future, though our internet capacity currently does not allow for it. We currently work for free in order to return a service which has been provided to us over the past years.

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Request Tutorials at your leisure:

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Great talk on programming languages, enjoyable to beginners and advanced. WARNING if you do not like offensive language.

Written by Adam Nowak
New Neat little exercise, surprisingly cool results!
I actually found this pretty good, highly recommended.
(08-24-2014, 02:35 AM)Autopost Wrote: I actually found this pretty good, highly recommended.

Thank you very much,
It is simply for great responses like these that we offer our time.
We are more than happy to have helped.

Let's make programming fun!

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