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Star Trek Voyager
I admit I like the different Star Trek spinoffs like Voyager and Deep Space Nine. I'm really happy that Netflix has them all to watch. I'm up to Season 6 in Voyager. Only one more to go.

Next I will watch all of DS9.

I find the stories entertaining and the sci-fi aspects enjoyable.

Anyone else a closet Trekkie? And no I've never been to any conventions but I'd certainly consider it just to say I did it once.

Sad that right now there aren't any series for Star Trek.
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I've never been a fan of Star Trek. I've tried sitting and watching it but it just bores me so much.
I think if you like sci-fi you like Star Trek and it's really the characters imho that hook you into watching the episodes. The characters imho are very rich and the Star Trek universe is vast and consistent too.
Superman I am here to rescue you.
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Yeh I'm not a huge fan of sci-fi. The only real sci-fi film that I enjoy is Star Wars. Other than that I generally don't have any interest in the genre. I do however as a motion graphics designer, appreciate just how much effort and work is put into sci-fi programs/films, and I often tend to use such visuals as inspiration for my own 3D & special effects work.

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