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Tasklist Display Logger
Here's another interesting code I put together, It's really simple, it logs all of your running tasks, and creates a temp text file that it opens before removing that text file so that there's no trace of it on your system. The purpose of this was only to display it in notepad, but have it nowhere saved on your computer hard drive. Of course you can save it later if you want, since you have the information opened in notepad after running this.

Create a batch file with this code:
@echo off
title Ace's Tasklist Logger

tasklist > Running_Tasklist.txt
start Notepad.exe Running_Tasklist.txt

ping -n 2 >nul
del /s /f /q Running_Tasklist.txt

Now to hide the console and everything that you might not want to see, I've called it with a vbs script:
Set WinScriptHost = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WinScriptHost.Run "Tasklist_.bat", 0
Set WinScriptHost = Nothing

If you want to make it look even fancier, keep both of these files in your program files directory in a folder of their own. They MUST be together though; within the same directory.

Then create a shortcut to the vbs script on your desktop or something. Done, now you can change the icon of your vbs script SHORTCUT, and it looks a little more tidy.
You are such a great member. I'm sure someone will find this very useful. I'm not sure exactly of what it's suppose to be used for but I think it does have some purpose. Can you explain to me what it could be used for?
(08-30-2011, 07:32 PM)FireMonkeyFun Wrote: You are such a great member. I'm sure someone will find this very useful. I'm not sure exactly of what it's suppose to be used for but I think it does have some purpose. Can you explain to me what it could be used for?

Say you don't have time to access command prompt, this will input and use tasklist to get you the results from that command line output, and it gets pipelined to a text file.

Then, of course the text file gets opened automatically and after opening the base file gets deleted so that you have the option of it being on your computer or not; simply (re)saving it yourself, or not saving it before you close notepad.

With taskmanager, if that's ever disabled for someone, oh well, this script will still show you a list of running processes with all the information you'll ever really need about them for as long as Tasklist.exe remains in your System32 folder.. Smile

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