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The Saboteur Review
This game is GOOD, and it is VERY underrated. Most people skipped this game because it was released at about the same time Modern Warfare 2 was, and that sold a LOT of copies.

The Story- The game takes place in WWII Paris, France and some parts of the country and a tiny piece of Germany. You play as Sean Devlin, who is a race car driver and a saboteur. ***SPOILERS***During a race, a Nazi cheats his way to victory and pisses you off. You destroy his car with your best friend Jules, but in return the owner of the car (a nazi) kills Jules. This influences Sean to hunt down Jules's killer, which is the main objective throughout the whole game. Along the way you meet Resistance members who help you on your quest of revenge.

The Gameplay- Basically, this whole game is Assassin's Creed, mixed with Mercenaries 2. You can: climb buildings, steal cars (and store them), become wanted (by nazis), buy new weapons at a black market (including ammo, and special items), upgrade your character (Sean) by unlocking Perks, and destroying Nazi targets (which is basically a side objective) to gain money and make it easier to complete story-mode missions. The environments in the game start off black and white due to harsh Nazi control those areas, but color can return to the land if you do certain Story-mode/Side missions. When the color bleeds back into the land, you INSPIRE that land. People will be on the streets more, food stalls will open, resistance members will be on patrol, etc. That doesn't mean the Nazis are gone forever.

I give this game, a 9/10. This game catches the atmosphere of WWII France almost perfectly, since the developers didn't want to be 100% accurate. This is probably the ONLY WWII sandbox game I've ever played. If you got $20 (which I think is the price for the game now) it is DEFINITELY worth your time if you enjoyed the Assassin's Creed, GTA, and Mercenaries series.

The links below are there for you if you want to buy the game through Amazon.

Xbox 360-



Good luck and Viva la resistance!
Nice review I guess, ill be borrowing the game from a friend soon.
[Image: 6417_s.gif]
GT: Who is 420
AIM: GetBayked
Nice review bro i will soon check this out.
[Image: 2d0l0fl.png]

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