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Post your CTRL+V.

xD an activation code of a website.
^6[iCPN]#^9K4RL$3N: e sug før masse

That's what a friend said to me on steam. I'll translate it: ^6[iCPN]#^9K4RL$3N: I suck too much.

Yes. It is my CTRL+V atm. And he actually said that to me.
[Image: kriss.jpg]

Thanks bkotz for the sig. I love it <3

Someone in another post suggested this. This is a good way to learn social patterns. People tend to do things the same way over and over again. You almost always have a daily routine that you follow. Wake up, take a shower, get dressed, and leave the house. And in each step you have mini steps that you take sometimes subconsciously. Like for instance I never realized this until about a day ago that I always use soap first then I use shampoo twice when I take a shower. The same thing is usually done in Rock-Paper-Scissors. The "random" factor in the human mind usually isn't so random. Most of the time people subconsciously follow the same patterns. If you play RPS with someone you can try to figure out their pattern and how the pattern can be manipulated to your favor.

Phone Calls

This is my favorite method because there are no setbacks if you're doing it just for fun or for practice. What you do is you call someone and you try to get as much information as you can from them as possible before they realize that you're not who you say you are or they throw up a red flag in their minds and stop giving you information. Usually you can get this kind of information

- Name
- Address
- Family Member's Names
- Lifestyle
- Gender
- Sexual Preference
- Political views
- Religious views

Now that kind of information isn't exactly wonderful. But depending on what you act like, how you act, who you pretend to be, you can get different information. The point of this is to just be different people and to just get comfortable talking to people and improvisation. What I like to do is pretend I'm part of AT&T clientèle and I can usually get peoples information that way.

Tapping game

This is kind of stupid but its really fun to do and can actually help you out with not smiling and facial expressions, also it can help you out with being persuasive if necessary. So you've probably played the tapping game, its the game where you tap someone on the opposite shoulder from where you're standing and you watch them turn their head and think someone is tapping them on their shoulder when actually its just you. Well you're going to do this, except for you're going to do it to a random person on a bus, subway, wal-mart line, disney ride line, etc. basically just do it to someone you don't know. Now the object is just to convince the person that you aren't the one that tapped them on the shoulder. So you have to regulate your facial expressions, emotional state (in this case it's usually laughter), and your argument.


Poker is a game of facial expressions and bluffing (as is the game BS). But with Poker you're actually loosing money so it's a good test of your skills and its also a good way to make money if you're good at it. Basically just play poker with $1 dollar bills with your friends and then maybe progress forward to more money. I actually played with my friends and got like $30 from using just $1 dollar bills so it's pretty awesome when you win.

Chat Room Conversations

This one is the easiest and I don't recommend this unless you're trying to get better at e-whoring. In which case most of it is really easy because most of the time people don't give a crap what they say to you because when you're in a chatroom you are basically an object that can "talk dirty to them." So they're already horny. But still it's good practice in making people think you're not who you say you are.

Put Yourself in Tight Situations

If you're really brave you can try this. But basically try getting yourself caught doing something bad (ie. stealing, speeding etc.) and then try talking your way out of it. I don't recommend this method either but if you want to then you can to make a bet with your friends like "I'll bet you five dollars I can get caught speeding" or whatever, just make something up so that you win either way.


Lie any chance you get. Obviously try not to lie to family members too often but if you're in a tight snag just lie a lot. Try to get your stories straight, try to get better at improvisation. This is the best method of being a better SE so just do this a lot... obviously.

Closing Points

Things you have to remember when Social Engineering.
i would but its my IRC server access.....probably not the best thing to post lol
I just turned on my computer, so I don't have a CTRL + V. I'll edit when I do. Lol.
Ding, dong, bell,
Pussy's in the well.

Who put her in?
Little Johnny Green.

Who pulled her out?
Little Tommy Stout.

What a naughty boy was that,
To try to drown poor pussy cat,

Who never did him any harm,
And killed the mice in his father's barn.
[Image: 5v0tgo.png]

Hope is a destination to a world of exploits.

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