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Linux coding?
The last ubuntu made is finally much better that windows in all aspects except one: applications. Linux still lack some applications, and most developers spend their time programming for Windows. So, I decided to help, by starting to make some applications for Linux. I would like to ask, if anybody knows, what is required to code in Linux and how you can, afterwards, register your application with the package kits so that users can download it from there.
My software company: Porosis Software
Games: Terrantula
Apps: Mathanasis, ColorGrabber
From my limited memory, I believe you can download EDIs for almost any programming language and work on your source codes through Linux. Producing for linux-based operating systems is slightly different, and there isn't a lot out there about it. Let's have a look what we find!

Click Here!
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.
First off:

1. What language?
2. What kind of applications?

I can help you better with more specifics.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will.
.::The Rights of Man::.
(05-07-2010, 04:01 AM)Μαύρο Wrote: First off:

1. What language?
2. What kind of applications?

I can help you better with more specifics.
I am familiar with Visual Basic, which, as far as I know, does not exist on Linux. There is also a basic-like programming language that is for making cross platform applications, named RealBasic which I had tried before, but it is really expensive to buy. So, I believe the only solution is to try and learn C++. And about the kind of applications I don't know yet. I am thinking of making an application that would automatically backup your files.
My software company: Porosis Software
Games: Terrantula
Apps: Mathanasis, ColorGrabber
(05-07-2010, 04:11 AM)thanasis2028 Wrote: I am familiar with Visual Basic, which, as far as I know, does not exist on Linux. There is also a basic-like programming language that is for making cross platform applications, named RealBasic which I had tried before, but it is really expensive to buy. So, I believe the only solution is to try and learn C++. And about the kind of applications I don't know yet. I am thinking of making an application that would automatically backup your files.

People underestimate how large the developer community is with Linux. I've been using Linux since before Red Hat went commercial and branched off with Fedora Core and I've yet to come across a common problem that an already-developed application didn't exist for. Keep in mind that the vast majority of true Linux users are developers.

In fact, for your backup idea:

That's one of at least three I can think of.

Truthfully while you're learning I'd recommend you first get acquainted with a Linux distro. Learn it inside and out while checking out the countless open source applications out there. Once you're comfortable with whatever language you go with (C++ is a good choice) then join an OS community and start making contributions to the source.

Either way if you want to go into creating non-command line GUIs for your application you'll also have to familiarize yourself with a framework. Qt and GTK+ are two of the more popular options and both have bindings for a handful of language.
If you can do VB already, use Gambas ;)
Thanks, I'll try it out!
My software company: Porosis Software
Games: Terrantula
Apps: Mathanasis, ColorGrabber

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