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The most painful bone to break?
anything around the neck and shoulder area.
Most broken bones can be immobilized, to minimize the pain. However, rib bones and collar bones cannot be immobilized, so every movement of the body is excruciating, not to mention trying to sleep at night in a pain-free position. I have fractured/ dislocated my elbow, broken my wrist, and broken a finger, I am currently suffering from 2 broken ribs, and I must say, although painful on the initial injury, once my wrist and arm were fasted the pain wasn't that bad during healing. The ribs, another story.i am in week 3 of broken ribs and they still hurt with every movement. It sucks![/align]
'iPoop On Noobs',

My father would agree with you, he is a racing cycler, and has broken his collarbone several times, he also says it is very painful..

I have broken a toe once, that was pretty painful.
But the most painful break was my nose, some guy, whom i didn't know, decided to smash it a few years ago (i'm a female by the way.) It was not physically very painful, but now i cannot breathe properly anymore through my nose, and what's much worse, my nose is deformed now. That's a pain which is not going away and every time i look in the mirror i experience the helplessness and the grief over a ruined face again.
Was looking on here for information on fiance's collarbone break, saw your post, and registered solely to let you know that what you wrote is not irony. Just an FYI. Probably the most misused literary element in the English language.
The most common reason behind a collarbone break is as a result of direct impact of the collarbone or shoulder region. this may happen throughout a motorized vehicle accident or as a results of a fall. once an individual falls onto associate extended arm, a collarbone break is additionally possible.

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