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Are Ipads worth the money?

I don't think the other features not important or un-needed at all, they are what attract people to the iPad in the first place. There aren't many iPad owners that purchased it solely for web browsing (but I don't doubt there maybe a couple). Granted, there are hundreds of thousands of Apps on the AppStore that are totally useless (and that are not important or un-needed), but there are millions of Apps that all suit a purpose, and can be used to speed up all kinds of tasks.

For example; I use my iPad for all kinds of tasks, one of the main uses is remotely managing my servers while i'm out and about. I can load up prompt and administrate via SSH, or I can boot up TeamViewer and go straight through the menus. I also use it for editing documents while i'm on the go (and syncing them with iCloud), updating notes, my contacts and my calendar. All this makes the iPad invaluable to me and would greatly decrease my productivity if I had to make do without it. (This is why I paid the £400+ price tag.)

I for one bought the iPad because it's a great idea, and I refuse to admit that i'm the only one. I'm not going to try and make out that there isn't a LOT of Apple 'fanboys' that would go out and buy anything that Apple came up with, just because it's Apple. But ANY make/brand has fanboys, it's not just Apple.

You say "it's just a bigger version of the iPhone" like that's a bad thing. The iPhone is a revolutionary product with a whole bunch of features, the iPad having more screen real-estate is just convenience for people who use and value their iPhone, and need to use the same features on a bigger screen but without losing portability. You say "nothing that hasn't already been done before" but the iPad is something that hasn't been done before. Before the iPad, the tablet computing market was tiny, there was the odd company that tried to make a tablet computer but they all failed miserably. Apple completely revolutionised the market and now theres a plethora of tablet's out there trying their best to compete with the iPad (Galaxy Tab, Dell Streak, HTC Flyer, Motorola XOOM just to name a few) but they're all struggling to keep up, the only ones that are bettering the iPad are in a whole different price bracket.

I don't believe I have been brainwashed by Apple, I have however (over a long period of time), come to trust the company for their quality products and customer service. I'm not following the crowd in any way, in fact when I first started buying Apple products it was quite an 'alternative' choice. When everyone was basking in the glory of Windows, I was trying something different. I'm not a user that can't use any piece of technology that isn't made by Apple, I do have and use a Windows workstation alongside my Macintosh's and I have previously owned an Android phone and tablet, but the experience I got from the Android devices had nothing on my iPad and iPhone.

There are a lot of un-educated Apple users, but there are a hell of a lot of un-educated Windows users also.

**Nothing in this post is directed at any single user in particular.
Good response. I can't argue with any of the points you made, although I do still think Apple overprice their products.
10 years ago I owned an old Mac computer, and at the time nobody had Macs, and most had never even heard of them. A lot of people used to laugh how to ugly and confusing it was, however now as Apple products are seen as being "trendy", everyone seems to be in love with them.
I do like the looks of Apple products, and the iPhones touch screen is quite nice to use, but I'm not one to spend a lot of money when I feel there are cheaper alternatives out there.
For that reason, I built a computer for £1,000 (which so far, is miles better than the Macs at my college which cost the same price), and I bought an Android phone for £100 rather than whatever the silly price of an iPhone is, (I've also compared my android with my step-dad's iPhone, and honestly, the difference in performance is minimal, in fact, in a lot of areas, my phone is a lot quicker and more accurate, also I can be on Pay As You Go).

The iPad 3 is coming out soon, I'll might consider getting one. They're really pretty and easy to use, even for a small child. The interface is good, and the touchscreen is very sensitive.

Also, Apple products have a lot of unique apps that platforms like Android don't have. The large number of users makes it more likely for good developers to put interesting games and programs on them.

The only drawback is that I've heard that Apple hires workers in China, and makes them work overtime in horrible conditions to make iPads and other things like Macbooks. This is like slave labour in my opinion, you should research it a bit before buying an Apple product.
Honestly, what is the difference between an IPAD and a Tablet?

They both almost look the same, but is it the processor inside of it? Does it come with anything better?
(03-09-2012, 09:34 AM)Reptar Wrote: Honestly, what is the difference between an IPAD and a Tablet?

They both almost look the same, but is it the processor inside of it? Does it come with anything better?
Despite what some may think, the iPad isn't all that good for the price. Don't get me wrong, it's still a very good tablet, but you pay for licensing and the trademark as well as the average costs. I'd stick with an Android if money is an issue, but if you don't care and you like the appearance of iOS, I strongly recommend it.

Quaero gloria stellarum.
I have a samsung galaxy and i compared them to each other, the Galaxy overthrows the Ipad so if you get to choose, get the Samsung Galaxy.
Honestly, they are worth the money if you HAVE the money. If you aren't the wealthiest person in the world, I think you should reconsider buying one. But if you have quite a lot of moolah, sure why not buy one. They can keep you entertained for quite awhile I must say. Tongue
I honestly think iPad's are a waste of money because you rather get a tablet PC with windows so you can do more things and can find cheaper one's
I think they are worth the money. They are a gadget though, more flexability than a phone, less than a computer.
If you have money to waste, then why not?
I really wouldn't choose an iPad over iPhone, iPhone is just a smaller version. As an iPad you must carry around in a backpack etc..

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