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Feeling done with everything..
To start things off, my grandmother just lost a 6 month battle with a grade 4 brain tumor, I don't know what to do. Every day I just feel like doing less and less. I've started resorting to drugs to escape reality. I feel like I'm so much happier when I get high, nothing can bring me down, no bad thoughts, nothing. I can think about anything and be positive about it. I'm not the greatest talker, so when people tell me "It's okay to talk about it" I kinda just push them away and say "No it's alright, I'm fine." Yesterday I leaned more towards trying to OD on a bunch of pills, but apparently I didn't take enough, which made me a little happier because it wasn't a very fun time, I actually sobered up and realized what I was doing was stupid. Now 12-16 hours later here I am again debating on trying again because I feel like nothing in life goes my way. I'm failing school, my family is falling apart, the girl I've been talking to for a year and a half just stopped talking to me, I've pushed away all my friends and now I don't know what to do. It seems the more I try to make things better for myself I just end up giving up and pushing everything away. I can't stand the thought of bothering with school work or even trying to go hang out with friends. The only reason I went to go with my friend last Friday was because everyone there had drugs and alcohol. So, what I really want to know is what can I do to get better.. I'm tired of being like this, I want to live, but die at the same time. There's a part of me that just says "go die" and another part that says "give it another chance, things will go your way!" I've been told plenty of times "Don't worry, it will get better!" The last time things got "better" was when my grandmother had gotten her surgery and had the tumor 3/4 removed. 2 1/2 weeks later it tripled in size and she had a stroke.. Everything from then on just went downhill. All I want is help.. :/

I know everything kinda jumped from topic to topic but I just can't be bothered to make everything literate.
Can anyone help? Please? I'd really appreciate it.
Chin up, kid.
I know how you feel, I lost my grandad to cancer a few years back and he and myself were very close.

It's sad and I understand you feel like life is crap now..
But now your Grandma is up in heaven looking down on you, do you really think she'd like to see you taking drugs and throwing your life away? I imagine that would break her heart!

You must stop the drugs, because sooner or later you'll kill yourself or ruin your life.

It may sound stupid, but put your mind to something else, maybe extra school work, excercise or even a video game. Eventually things will get better, and you won't feel like you do now!

I hope you're okay, man.
i have lost my grandmother, uncle, and grandfather all in 2 years. my family is riddled with cancer. my sister, cousin and 2 aunts tested positive for the genes that causes breast cancer. two of them had mastectomies.
but what you have to understand is that life goes on. ive lost so many of my friends to gangs, car wrecks, drugs, and all that fun stuff.
suicide is never the answer. my sister just couldnt take the pain and hung herself at 32 years old and left behind 4 children. it greatly affected us all.
what you need to do is join a support group and get everything off your chest. quit the drugs and get a hobby or a full time job that makes you feel good about yourself. not something depressing or stressful.
hit me up if you need support.
[nWo] Hulk Hogan is 100% right, life moves on and you have to move ahead with it.. Suicide is never an option and drugs are bad they tend to take you to the path of suicide which is wrong.. You need to concentration studies... Take a part time job after school.. This will keep you busy and make you overcome ur problems and at night study for school.. So you will be 100% busy and active Smile)
[Image: IYOy9.png]

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