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NEVER USE 000webhost. ever. Here is why:
This is a recent experience I had with 000webhost. Read the whole thing, it gets pretty good at the end.
Quote:Ticket #597628 - General Inquiry
Last Update: 4h 13m 0s
Domain: General Request
Last Reply By: Staff Member
Status: Closed
Posted by Customer, on October 14, 2011, 22:00:48
Hello, I tried to login today but I found that my account was caneled. I reviewed the terms of service and neither of my sites violated any of the terms! What is going on? What happened? I would really like to get my account back along with both of my sites seeing as neither of them violated any terms of service.
Posted by Staff Member, on October 14, 2011, 22:09:18

what was your username/domains?

Thank You,
Anton |

Volunteer Staff

Posted by Customer, on October 14, 2011, 22:11:03
My username was [removed] and my domains were [removed] and [removed].
Posted by Staff Member, on October 14, 2011, 22:27:37

Your account was canceled for a General Terms Of Service Violation.

Thank You,
Anton |

Volunteer Staff

Posted by Customer, on October 14, 2011, 22:50:47
Yes, I noticed that. My account didn't violate anything though. If you review all of the content on both of my sites neither of them violate terms of service. So I am confused as to why my account was canceled.
Posted by Staff Member, on October 14, 2011, 22:55:28

Your account was canceled for violating our Terms of Service.

Thank You,
Anton |

Volunteer Staff

They closed the ticket after that so I couldn’t respond so I started a new one.

Quote:Ticket #597651 - General Inquiry
Last Update: 6s
Domain: General Request
Last Reply By: Customer
Status: Open (Close Ticket)

Posted by Customer, on October 14, 2011, 23:00:52
My username is [removed].

My account was wrongfully terminated. I reviewed the terms of service and none of the content in either of my sites violated the terms of service. I contacted 000webhost and the only information that I received is "You account was canceled for violating the general terms of service." No one would tell my why or how this happened, only that it happened. I am telling the truth when say that my sites violated no terms of service. Please reinstate my account.

Thank you,

Posted by Staff Member, on October 14, 2011, 23:37:36

If you see the message 'Canceled for Abuse' on your account, it means it was terminated for violation of our Terms Of Service, located at:

Canceled accounts cannot be reactivated or restored, so be sure to follow our TOS before publishing your website. For security reasons we cannot provide you with exact reason why account was terminated.

Very Truly Yours,
Thorsten |

Volunteer Staff

Posted by Customer, on October 14, 2011, 23:45:04
This is what I see when I try to login.
I do not see a 'canceled for abuse' anywhere, probably because there was never any abuse to begin with. Canceled accounts can be restored, please don't lie to me. Security reasons? Hogwash, you won't say because you know that my account was wrongfully terminated. Please, I have done nothing wrong and my account should not have been closed to begin with. Can we please correct this error? I am a goodhearted and well-intentioned user and nothing that I upload on my sites qualifies for a reason for an account to be terminated.
People who take advantage of 000webhost to do bad things should have their accounts removed but I am not one of those people. I have no clue why my account would have been canceled.
Posted by Staff Member, on October 15, 2011, 00:18:46

Canceled accounts cannot be reactivated or restored

Best Wishes,
Thorsten |

Volunteer Staff

Posted by Customer, on October 15, 2011, 00:52:04
Well, I don't entirely believe that is true. But okay.
What can you offer me in return for the wrongful termination my account? I think a year or two of premium hosting would be a fair and reasonable offer.
I would like to use [removed] for my username for my premium account.

Posted by Staff Member, on October 15, 2011, 02:28:11

There is nothing offered in return for free account termination.

Kind Regards,
Helpdesk Staff

Posted by Customer, on October 15, 2011, 03:04:52
Okay, I am never using 000webhost ever again. I am never going to use free hosting from you nor am I ever going to buy paid hosting from you. I will never recommend anyone to use your service, but believe me when I say that I am going to continue to talk about my experience with 000webhost. You're maliciously unhelpful.

Take a look at the following links to some other people's experiences with 000webhost. They sound remarkable similar to mine. The reason is because you scam people.

Here is one where you, Thorsten, talked to a customer just like me and said the same things.

This one shows all the bad reviews 000webhost gets for disregarding customers.

Apparently you are indeed just scammers trying to con people into paid hosting by removing their site and saying it violated the terms of service. This is a terrible business practice because people are eventually going to figure it out. I've figured it out and now I am going to tell everyone I know and everyone I don't know on my various forums.

Sorry we couldn't work this out. I could have been worth my weight in advertising for you had you done things right the first time. But now, you made an enemy.

Thanks (for nothing),

Nice one I actually read it all Smile
My profession, you can call me a pothead, 'nuff said
I don't see a problem with them, as you could just use them while you get money until you can buy other hosting.
Always make backups.
[Image: 2.png]
000webhost is just wobbish that why I use the x10hosting or
I used them for a few months, then moved on.
You registered for FREE hosting. You broke a rule. You tried telling THEM you didn't. They tell you nothing can be done away. You keep pestering at them.

It is a free host, stop complaining.
Yeah, as Laugh said. It's free, stop complaining.
tottaly agree. it`s like someone would give you a free meal and you would say you don`t like it. Big Grin
I didn't break any rules though. And they tried to tell me that I did. I wouldn't be mad if they just said, "Hey, you have been using our services for a while and it is time to start paying up if you want to keep using us." But instead they said that I broke the terms of service when I really didn't. I honest to god did nothing wrong that broke the terms of service. What makes me mad is that they double cross me and lie about why they deleted my content and revoked my account. If they wan't money that's fine, then call it a free trial. Don't call it free hosting with unwritten strings attached where you get your content deleted without an explanation.
wow. Well i'm never using them.

Would paid x10hosting do something this shady?

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