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I need to change my life.
Where to begin. I turned 18 on the 11th, and I came to a conclusion. I need to change the direction my life is going. I'm 18, 350lbs, miserable, and have a ton of bad habits(i smoke) and single. I've never had a true girl friend too. When i was about 15 a did something really bad to one of my longest childhood friends, i don't feel the need to justify my actions but i am bi-polar and was in a residential treatment then getting help. But to continue, we are still friends today. she forgave me thank god.

my mother said to me "matthew, when you get married. marry your best friend, and be damn sure of yourself." I'm sick and tired of the way my lifes going and i need to change. This girl was my best friend since before we could walk. And Im pretty sure im in love with her. How can i tell? Well, if she can forgive me for all my faults, and still be my friend, and support me through my rough times. She has never once turned her back on me. But you guys know that feeling when absolutely nothing could stop you for fighting for something or someone if it meant death or pain? That's the feeling i get when i think of her. But I also want to change my life for myself. So i can be a whole different, better person.

I need to do more with my life. And now is the time to do it.But im not sure where to start. I know i my heart if i change things now maybe my life will have more meaning and enjoyment.

What do you guys think i should do? I love this women. And i need to make changes.

If your serious about changing and like this girl I would suggest to you that you tell her how you fell and explain how truly sorry you are for whatever you may have done and explain to here how you want to change. And go from there depending on her response I'm sure you will get your answer. Best of luck.
Tell the girl how you feel then change, so you can show her your really changing and she will be able to seeit.
u need to change ur life by quit smoking first then move on to look for a girl and then if u find one tell to make her feel happy and safe around u then ask her out.
I would say step 1 is diet and exercise regularly, then quit smoking, if you quit smoking first you run the risk of gaining even more weight, at least if you have a structured diet you won't.

The thing about diet and exercise is being consistent, if you stick to it, you WILL get the results you want, it may take several months but in the end it's worth every moment of it.
First get your lazy ass up and get rid of those excess pounds. Unless you control yourself dont think about the girl. Show her that you care and show her that you can be the man for her. Dont rush, get your social life back. If you are studying be good at it cause it will effect you. YOu say "So i can be a whole different, better person". Dont write it. Good luck.
step 1. work out
step 2. diet/watch what you eat
step 3. quit smoking
step 4. play sports so you don't stay inside all day
step 5. show her you care
step 6. keep it up for few months. you're not gonna get all thin and buff in a month
step 7. ???
step 8. profit
i know how you feel man, i was once miserable too. i used to weigh 274 pounds.. i was very miserable. but i started running , thats it just running. i have lost 85 pounds. you dont have to go on a super diet, people usually just say diet and leave it at that. my "diet" consisted of eating less and running 15-30 minutes a day. sure it will take months but let me tell you at the end you'll be very proud with what you did and you can feel like you can accomplish anything. as for the girl, i do suggest you tell her before its too late, every chance you dont tell her its a chance she can meet someone else. you just got to be real with her.
I'm really sorry that you feel this way about yourself. Weight shouldn't matter but If you really think It's an Issue, do something about It. Start going to the local gym or even just run the block every morning. It does sound like love, I know the feeling. If you don't want to lose her change your ways or forever be miserable. Stop the smoking, It's a bad, pointless habit, aswell as a major waste of money. I smoked for 5 years and managed to quit without any help.

Good luck.
Hit the gym, eat smaller portions of food. Maybe get a bike? And keep yourself motivated, think of her and yourself while doing it.

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