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I have the same problem. Maybe someone can help us both.
Coder | Skype: EleganceHF | AIM: Chief
I myself have the grasps of the internet wrapped around me tight. Also, if I was you, I'd keep all of the stuff you do to yourself, if someone finds out that you do that stuff who doesn't like you, and reports you, you may have your computer seized.

But anyway, back on topic.

I think it would help you to go out some more, it's not healthy sitting inside all day, even if you go out just for a little exercise it still helps, if you have friends, then that's also good, go hang around with them, but keep your internet life away from your social life, that's what I try to do. I barely go out anymore thank to the internet and it's not good, I need to get out more too!

I hope I helped with this matter, if you need anything else, be sure to PM me.
(08-01-2011, 07:19 PM)Believable Wrote: I myself have the grasps of the internet wrapped around me tight. Also, if I was you, I'd keep all of the stuff you do to yourself, if someone finds out that you do that stuff who doesn't like you, and reports you, you may have your computer seized.

He's right.

OT: If you're shy, the only way you're gonna get less shy is by going out and going social. If you have friends then hang out with them. And if you're good at basket ball then go ahead and play it. I'm not saying stay away from your PC though. Find a way to balance your time. Keep out some time for friends and the internet. If by your social problems you don't have any friends, then don't feel bummed, go out and make some. You like basket ball? Then find some guys playing it and ask them if you can join in. Playing and hanging out helps in making friends. I love being on the internet/computer but I have plenty of pals too. Keeping a balance isn't too hard, and you will need friends in your life to make it easier. I hope I've helped you. Best of luck on turning the wheels in your life! Need any more help or did I FAIL completely? Just PM me! Smile

(08-01-2011, 07:16 PM)CaptainFX Wrote: I have the same problem. Maybe someone can help us both.
Count me In too.
That used to be me also. My method of personally fixing it was joining a computer programming class and I made quite a few friends there and with my technical background, I easily excelled in the class far above any of the other students who were mostly there for the math credits.

After a while teachers will understand you aren't there for the credits but that you actually have passion for the computer and etc. Also try to have small chat with the people sitting around you; it will definitely be a bit awkward and cheesy, but a small conversation will slowly start to get more interesting once you find something that both of you are interested in.

From there I realized that many of my friends were incompetent on the computer so I offered my services to them free of charge. Not only did that get me reputation as the 'computer guy' but I was gaining respect throughout the community for that. Sooner or later everytime there was a problem, people were being referenced to me.

The best part is that you don't even have to be a computer expert. If you are from HackForums and you even understand a little of what goes on there, you have already excelled the mental capability of many of your fellow classmates so you are smart to them no matter what. You should also be honest to them if they ask you for help and you are clueless. They will understand that you are human and you don't know everything.

From that point, I still didn't have many friends, but I had a LOT of acquaintances. What I did to go to the next level was just talk to them. Every time you meet someone and get their name, be sure to say 'Hey' every time you see them so they start to get a familiarity to you also. Eventually you should invite them to a small party, or ask if they wanna hang out (it would be better if it's in a group so it's casual but that isn't required). Some good places to go with new friends are to the pool, or to the movies.

From there, I knew that I had connections at HackForums and that everything was sold cheap there (such as movie tickets, or gift cards, or other sorts of junk) so I started selling them to my friends cheap in real life. Word of that started to spread so I slowly made more acquaintances and friends and you'd be surprised how fast the process is.

You just have to remember to be yourself, be confident with your personality and who you are, and to be a good friend. I wish you the best of luck.
The answer is simple go outside , enjoy your youth try out for your schools basketball team or play with people from school on the weekends this would clear up all the talk of you being anti social.
It would be best to just go outside. I remember I use to be the same way and just got hooked on the Internet when I was younger and it was way more fun than socializing.

I then just really wanted to do things outside and hang with friends and have a girlfriend.
I started going on a webcam site called and I really started to lose my shyness through that as well as when I got my first job because I was REQUIRED to not be shy or else I would most likely be fired. I know those may not help you but may give you ideas.

Hope all goes well and just try to get out every now and then but if being on the internet is what you love then do not let the "norm" make you change. Be who you want to be and if you enjoy basketball then just do that when you feel like it and maybe find friends who also like basketball that are not jerks. =]

Also when meeting new friends it may be hard to connect with them that you go on HF and computer stuff if they do not know any of it. Best to wait and connect with them in other ways if you can.

Also to show your family you are not dumb with all your knowledge on computers you can always find an opportunity like getting a simple movie onto a DVD as a "backup" of
I know that is simple these days but they might be surprised you could do such a thing anything can help.
So many different directions to go here since you talked about a few different subjects in your post but hope anything I said helps!
[Image: odILW.png]
I hacmve the same problem too bro !
(08-01-2011, 07:19 PM)Believable Wrote: I myself have the grasps of the internet wrapped around me tight. Also, if I was you, I'd keep all of the stuff you do to yourself, if someone finds out that you do that stuff who doesn't like you, and reports you, you may have your computer seized.

But anyway, back on topic.

I think it would help you to go out some more, it's not healthy sitting inside all day, even if you go out just for a little exercise it still helps, if you have friends, then that's also good, go hang around with them, but keep your internet life away from your social life, that's what I try to do. I barely go out anymore thank to the internet and it's not good, I need to get out more too!

I hope I helped with this matter, if you need anything else, be sure to PM me.

Yeah, but a lot of us can't get off man, it's addicting, it's grabing me in and every time I try to get out I go right back to hacking or coding!

I got the same problem OP.
PS: My parents and friends know about my computer crime, my parents don't care, and my friends sometimes fear me.
Not the best way to live when people think your only attack is cyber crime and other sort of hacking biz :/
Legitimate Marketer | Exchanger | Middle Man | RAT Expert

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