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Really ANGRY about friend's suicide attempt
It's too late to do anything now. She is in a happier place now. Don't ever blame yourself. It wasn't your fault. It was her actions that lead to this. She was lacking communication skills. And don't, for 1 second consider suicidal actions. It isn't worth it.

Ah, sorry for the mistake. Good job then Smile

Remember, try make her communicate more, that will hopefully keep her alive.

Stay optimistic.
Don't be like that. For all you know if you leave her she may try again.

She may be in this mood. Maybe next year she would be loving her life and be thanking you for saving it.
Why would you be angry? You should be supportive, not mad.
Thanks for telling me how I SHOULD feel - thats great listening (note my sarcasm!).

I don't agree with you on this point. I'm angry b/c she tried to hold me emotionally hostage by refusing to get help, and refusing to allow me to bring help to her, while in the MIDDLE of the attempt!! Her small kids were in the house, and she was trying to have them HELP her off herself!!

You bet I'm angry! Downright peeved!

I came here because sadly, there is no support available for someone who is ticked at a someone for attempting suicide. There is help available for those in crisis, and help for those who have to support them (who want to remain friends with the suicidal person), and help for those who have actually experienced a death by suicide (of a loved one). But there doesn't seem to be anywhere for a person who no longer wants to associate herself with someone who has attempted it! There is no one (it seems) who wants to talk about how crappy it feels to be on the other end of that crisis, and trying to keep a person safe!).

If you've never been on THAT side of the fence, and in the awful position of needing to call 911 in the middle of someone's attempt... then I don't think its fair for you (or anyone) to tell me how I OUGHT to feel!!

I'll never trust her again! There is NO way I'd bring my kids anywhere near her (I would never trust her not to hold them hostage as she essentially did with her own kids - if not physically, at least emotionally!).

Clearly, she needs more help than I can (or am willing!) to give at this point!! And since I know in my heart that I no longer want this friendship -- I think it would be worse to lie and mislead her, and make her think I'm still "there" for her when I'm so not -- don't you think?
If you don't want to be her friend and think it would be best if you don't come near her or anything then don't be her friend. She probably had big problems. Have you tried talking about it? Maybe help her out. People do rash things in moments of serious depressions. But if you feel there's no way to help, just forget about her and keep your family away from her. She might take a hint and leave you alone. If not then break it to her straight that you don't want to be her friend anymore. But remember that she might try to suicide again at the fact that you don't want to be her friend which would add to her depression. I'd suggest trying to talk, that way you could save a life. Calm down, she may have MAJOR problems, try reasoning. I hope this all works out for you. Best of Luck!


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