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I fancy my girlfriends mum
I have been with my girlfriend for 6 months now and we are both happy together and I am not sure if we are in love so to speak however the relationship is pretty strong. However I have a small dilema

About a month and a half ago she took me round to see her mum for the first time, her parents have split up and her dad lives half away across the country. Anyway she took me to see her and we got on really well and I felt myself becoming sexually attracted to her. She had a perfect body and everything.

The same day me and my girlfriend were planning to go out for the evening so she went upstairs to get changed. I remained downstairs talking to her mum and I felt that her mum was warming to me so to speak. I was horny I am not gunna lie however things really did get going when we actually kissed however bad it sounds I did not feel guilty whatsoever. I can only imagine it was because her mum feels lonely at times. Anyway I started rubbing her breasts and she started rubbing my penis.

We stopped when we heard my gf coming down the stairs and everything went to normal and me and my gf left. Things don't just end there though me and my gf's mum have met on 2 seperate ossacions since without my gf knowing and we have had sex on one of those occasions and it was brillaint.

My big problem now is that I can know longer look at my gf in the same way, I have acted abit distant and I know she knows something is up. I begin to go a little red everytime she mentions her mum I start to shake in fear and I completly freeze.

What should I do SF should I....

1. Come clean to my gf
2. Tell the mum that we can no longer do this and continue to be with my gf and run the risk the mum telling my gf
3. Leave my gf for her mum
4. Leave them both
5. Keep lying and have them both
[Image: sinaturee.png]
I say you fudged up and you need to come clean. Honesty is key ;)

Just tell her, and if she wants to break up with you then fine, but just tell her and get it off your chest.
[Image: iddyEs.png]
Yo bro,

Although you fudged up big time man, you should keep em both! less trouble/arguements and most certainly double the fun ;)

If the girlfriend finds out then just blame the mum, you are not to blame, you are never to blame! The mum should know better and keep her panties on! or go for someone single.. like me ;) i just lurrrve my basement <3

peace xx
I am tempted Most Dope however the last thing I would want is her dad to find out. If that happens by me telling my gf I may be pretty fudged.
[Image: sinaturee.png]
Quite the situation we've got on our hands here. Kudos for getting with the girl and her mum, that's talent. However, with such talent comes great responsibility. For us to offer any constructive feedback here, we're going to need to know exactly how you feel on the issue.

How badly do you want to be with your girlfriend? Do you want to be with her mother more? Could you live with yourself knowing what you're doing is wrong? What worries you the most in this situation? Is it her dad finding out? Or maybe it's her finding out. From my perspective, I don't think you're that worried about her finding out because if you were, I doubt you'd still be seeing her mother.

I would strongly advise against telling your girlfriend of the situation. You don't honestly think she'll forgive you, do you? That's like your girlfriend coming into your house one day and telling you she's been sleeping with your father. You wouldn't tolerate that. If you do tell your girlfriend what's been going on, you're going to lose her and her mother. I don't think you want that.

You mentioned you're not really all that in love, which is fine I suppose. From what I gather, you're still relatively young. I'd say continue seeing your girlfriend and her mother. Yeah, it might not end all that smoothly, but you might as well make the most of the situation you're in. It's not going to get much easier.

Alternatively, you could opt out. You could dump your girlfriend and stop seeing her mother. I don't know if you'd sleep better at night, but it's something to consider.

Have a crack at the questions I asked and maybe I can provide some more constructive information. All the best!
In my opinion, you should definitely just come clean. Your girlfriend with most likely leave you, but it's better than living in a lie.... That's just my opinion. Do what you think is right.
1. Come clean to my gf - The morally good thing to do is this
2. Tell the mum that we can no longer do this and continue to be with my gf and run the risk the mum telling my gf. - Also good thing to do
3. Leave my gf for her mum - She's going to be old before you know it
4. Leave them both - don't ruin a good relationship if you don't have to
5. Keep lying and have them both - no.
nice story Smile
[Image: 0b0033.gif]
I would so much go for 5 but it's not the right way to go Smile
My profession, you can call me a pothead, 'nuff said
3. Leave my gf for her mum

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