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Girlfriend help?
I got this text from my girlfriend:

Quote: I love you I really but idk if were going to work out. I need you closer to me. When I was younger I was raped.I try to block it out but it's hard. I was raped over and over for 2 years by my neighbor. When he got caught we moved. After that we kepted on moving til we moved here away from him where he couldn't find me/us. I love you so much that it hurts that your not here. That's why idk if we will work.

I tried calling her.. But she's crying her head off and too upset to talk. And I can't go visit her.. She's in a different part of California than me.

I need advice. Sad
Ask some advice from your parents, they know the best.
If she was raped, try to help her and explain that you really love her and feel sorry for her etc.
Its really hard if you can't visit & call her. Wait 2/3hours, then call her. Maybe she is tired now and doesn't wanna talk now.
With this i mean, she will rest in the 2/3 hours and maybe she want to talk with you then. And ask her if she want's something.
Just things like that.
You need to be there as best as you can man, that is a very traumatic experience.
Just listen to here and let her know she has your support.
[Image: witness.png]
HF- Witness
GT- i be Witness
The best thing that you can do right now is give her time. Don't talk to her first. She's struggling with her emotions right now. and if you keep on talking her, she might get upset and both of you might start a fight. try to call her maybe after 6 hours. then the best thing you can say to her is to tell her "I LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT." I know it's hard for you to accept the fact that she was raped for about 2 years, but of course it feels harder for her. So the very best thing to do is to help her. Always make her happy! Help her to forget all those bad memories she had in the past in replace it with your sweet memories.

I know it would be hard for you but im pretty no sure that there's no such word as "hard" in LOVE. Big Grin
[Image: ic4Itm.png]
Do you love her? I've a feeling you do.
As it wasn't her fault you should understand it and be with her. She isn't answering your phone because she's afraid of loosing you. Text her, and ask her you want to talk to her, be as much loving/caring as you can, and make her feel it doesn't matter and you love her.
First of all don't call her too many times,She will not going to accept your call because she is hurt deeply.Trust me She loves you and never want to lose you.Leave her alone for little while than text her that you are loving her with heart and soul (If you do love her).Give the hope that you can't live without her,may be She understand you and I'm sure that she will be only your's belevie me.:-)
Damn dude, that paragraph would have killed me if it was my GF.
Anyways if she really means something to you just try and be there for her more. Make some sacrafices and do more activities with her. Surprises work the best, you said she lives far? So go surprise her and see her more often, she will be so happy.

Trust me.
[Image: impulses.png]
Okay I may sound blunt or rude. But this is just my insight.

This is judging it on just the text. I don't know you guys whole situation.

It seems she is trying to cop out and find an excuse to break up with you without hurting you as much even though it's inevitable.

Does she say stuff about not working out often?

Give her time. Try not too make her feel like shes cornered up against a wall.

I'm not saying she wasn't raped. But just from what I read in that text message I don't see how the rape corresponds with your guys relationship.
Take it slow, understand her problem and make sure you give her space.
[Image: signaturera.png]
When are you next seeing her man? Can't you go visit her at all? :\
Yeah, simple. I've got a hundred thousand on me I could sprinkle!

Tiny Tempah ;)

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