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Hard decision for next year at school.
Short story at the bottom for lazy people who don't want to hear my boring life story.

Well basically I am doing my AS levels, For you Americans that's 2 years before you go to university.

So yeah in GCSE year I was suspended for a lot of the year, Spend most of my time getting high, Skipping class, staying at home and what not. In the end I came out with C's and B's in all my GCSE's after putting in zero effort.
After that whole idea of just pissing around and passing GCSE it was hard to get into the habit of studying for AS level (I took biology, Physics, Chemistry and Maths), So the exams come and due to me being at not a very good school, They've decided to cut out the January exams.

The January exams are the exact same as your final exams in June, Except the difference is if you fail January exams (most people do) You can just re do them in june. So basically the jan exams are the foot up the ass that makes you think "Oh damn I'm really going to have to work to pass my exams". So without that I don't realize how much harder the alevel exams are until its too late. Also an extra fail bonus is this year they decided to have the final exams a month early which didn't help.

Right now I'm guessing I've got E's Which is enough to pass to fro AS to A but as AS contributes to my A levels I will have to not only work my ass off to get decent A levels but resit AS.

So resitting AS and learning A in a year is my first option. My second option is to move to a better school that is a bit further away. This school offers a wider range of courses including an IT BTEC (programming I'm really into this lol) Which is a 2 year course worth the same as all my Chemistry Physics and Biology totalled if i get an A in each. (I can already program so much more my type of course) so basically both options providing I either pass BTEC at a distinction or Get A's in the 3 a levels are the same amount of university points. Only catch for the IT course is having to get up at 7am, Leaving behind all my friends and having to stay on an extra year at school due to it being 2 year course.

TL;DR fudged up AS levels, Stay at school I been at for 5 years try really hard and hopefully get A's for A level. OR chill for rest of this term, Leave friends, stay on extra year at school have to get up early due to longer journey and go to new school to take an IT course which alone is worth same as 3 A levels at A.

Kinda bonus: the girl who fancies me and I've been hitting on who is leaving this year to go to other school will be at same school I go to if i choose to leave and take IT course.

What do?

P.S I am wanting to do computer science at university but the course only require A levels not any specific subjects so both could get me in.
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Chill for rest of this term, Leave friends, stay on extra year at school have to get up early due to longer journey and go to new school to take an IT course which alone is worth same as 3 A levels at A.
(05-23-2011, 07:13 PM)Legend™ Wrote: Chill for rest of this term, Leave friends, stay on extra year at school have to get up early due to longer journey and go to new school to take an IT course which alone is worth same as 3 A levels at A.

lol I really hope if a choose that it will be worth it.
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I need to switch program and I do not know what to go into for my future studies..
I hate making desicions for school.. stresses me out all the time.
[Image: impulses.png]
School decisions are always tough to make them.I personally don't make decisions,i just do them.just come on your point ask from your heart,if you are interested in any kind of subject then do it.

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