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What is the best teeth whitening system?
(04-14-2011, 11:16 PM)bytem3 Wrote: I would strongly suggest you avoid teeth whitening products. The reason your teeth get white depends on the product you use - some just 'paint' over the enamel, while others strip away the enamel (which is naturally yellowish and does NOT regenerate). If you do decide to go the over-the-counter teeth whitening product route, make sure that you follow the instructions exactly and that you don't leave them on for longer than instructed. Doing so will definitely strip away your enamel and leave you with more sensitive teeth.

I think you misread my post. I basically said the exact same thing, and you posted as if you're somehow disagreeing with what I said by rewording my quoted text.
(04-04-2011, 03:53 AM)rooneyful Wrote: Well..after you get your braces off..Be sure to use mouthwashes often..
Here are some of the tips that are really useful(GOOGLE is really helpful)
Do I have these items in my house?

All you need to whiten your teeth are simple household products. Ok, first go to the kitchen. Open the cupboard where you keep your baking supplies. Do you have baking soda? You probably do. Spoon about two teaspoons of baking soda into a little bowl or cup. Now, travel over to the nearest bathroom. Open the medicine chest. Do you have hydrogen peroxide? You probably have this common household item, too.

How do I make this paste?

Drop two or three teaspoons (this may not be exact) of the hydrogen peroxide into the baking soda, making a paste. This sometimes takes a little trial and error. Be sure it is the same consistency as toothpaste. If you wish, you can add a bit of mint flavoring or even a small dollop of toothpaste.

How do I use this free whitener?

Brush your teeth with your mixture, being sure to leave it on your teeth for at least two minutes. Do NOT swallow this paste! Trust me, you wouldn't want to swallow it- the taste is not the best. To make the paste taste better, try to use the above tips. This will help to make the taste a little bit tastier.

What should I do after using this paste?

After you finish brushing with this free paste, brush again with regular toothpaste to rid your mouth of the taste as well as the peroxide solution. You will be amazed at just how white and bright your teeth will be! Many smokers and heavy coffee drinkers use this little trick. This may be a home remedy that your grandmother even used.

Hey buddy your post is really nice one and informative one.... Much helpful and useful... I also need this kind of the data for my friend.... He has yellowish teeth and want to have the white teeth using any easy method....
In my opinion for teeth whitening you should use salt because salt is best for teeth.Use the toothpaste which have salt .It can make your teeth strong,white and healthy.
Teeth whitening is a major problem for many people and i am also in one of those and i have yellow teeth and i don't know why is it so? Nor i do smoke neither i eat candies. But i have this problem from childhood and i have tried many toothpaste and any best suggestion for me.
I heard you can white them with lemon!!

The lemons acid can damage the yellow on ur teeth
If you're just getting your braces off, hold off on bleaching. It can be very harmful to your teeth if they aren't fully developed. (I suggest not doing it if you're under 18.) I use crest white strips. They work great and they're really easy to use. They are a tad expensive, but not too bad!
If your pearly whites, well, aren't--blame it on caffeine, candy, prescription drugs or aging, all of which dull the gleam. Whiten and brighten dingy teeth with high-tech treatments in your dentist's office or over-the-counter bleaches you use at home. Here's how to bring that sparkle back.


1. Ask your dentist if you're a good candidate for whitening, since results can vary. Yellowed teeth generally lighten well; darkened grayish or brownish teeth may not.

2. Try over-the-counter products, which have low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide. A dental tray and gel kit can be used for a short time each day to lighten teeth one to two shades in two weeks, at best. Whitening strips cover the six front teeth--which must be even--for similar results, and keep peroxide on teeth and off gums. Paint-on gels get similar results and cover more teeth, but can be messy to use. Hydrogen peroxide works faster than carbamide (see Step 3), but takes longer to get results and deactivates faster. These are the least-expensive treatments to use when staining reoccurs due to beverages and smoking.
You can check it out at my blog
It is better to get your teeth whitened from a professional. There is no harm in doing this. Laser teeth whitening is the best method and it is preferred by many. This technology is advanced and safe also. You can search in the internet to find such place and fix the online appointment.
My Dads a dentist, He advertises 'Zoom' or 'Airflow' or 'polar', the must be good, becuase his patients are still coming back lol Smile
always use mouthwash and buy those teeth whiteing strip. I used them for about 2 months. I noticed a litlle difference. They are kinda pricey though so make sure you have the spare cash.

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