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Why do I feel like this?
Hey, I need some help.
For a while now I have been feeling very depressed. I have no idea why I am, but it just makes my day to day life hard Sad

I know this sounds really stupid (and probably might be against the rules for this forum) but the only thing that makes me slightly happy, is hacking.

I have gotten back into it now. It makes me feel good, it releases me from some of my worries but the emotional pain is still there (not to mention it is illegal)...

I have contemplated twice and I cut myself quite a lot.

What do I do?
By the way, I am not trolling. I would never troll about this >Sad

Well there can be many reasons for that, you just need to think everything trhought and think about where it all come's from?

When this has started, And what major things have happend in your life? Recently?
Dear Guest,

Try to think bright, feel good about yourself.

Try to do positive things.

Reply back! Smile
(04-18-2011, 06:13 AM)Moe Wrote: Dear Guest,

Try to think bright, feel good about yourself.

Try to do positive things.

Reply back! Smile

Yeah, this is probably your best bet at getting better. Go hang out with friends, do some fun stuff. It's probably just a phase. You'll get over it. Smile
(04-18-2011, 02:34 PM)Kitten Wrote: Yeah, this is probably your best bet at getting better. Go hang out with friends, do some fun stuff. It's probably just a phase. You'll get over it. Smile
I agree with Kitten and the other user, you just need some fresh air and sunlight, and to chill with some friends.
You may be making it worse by just staying in all the time on the computer. Try new things like going to the gym or getting involved in a sport. Feel free to send me a PM if you need someone to talk too.
[Image: ty1er.png]
(04-18-2011, 03:26 PM)Ty1er Durden Wrote: You may be making it worse by just staying in all the time on the computer. Try new things like going to the gym or getting involved in a sport. Feel free to send me a PM if you need someone to talk too.
I spend quite a lot of time with friends. I just feel sad all the damn time Sad
hi ther Guest,
PM me and i see how i can help. it seems you have tried all the things one can do for anyone feeling down. there is a difference form feeling down and depressed. Depression is an illness that needs attention. Have you been to see the doctor? I am concerned about your habits, especially one that involved physically hurting yourself, almost like you want to physically feel pain as much as you emotionally feel pain. There is no quick fix for depression but it is treatable. many factors can trigger it off and therapy can help find and resolve these underlying issues. Let me know what u have done and I hope u can get yourself to a doctors soon. Could be a chemical imbalance in the brain and medication can help restore the balance. Please do sports and walk through forest if possible as they say this really helps 20mins a day for emotional imbalance. Really hope things are on the uphill for you. it cannot be easy to feel this way and there is nothing more precious than to look after yourself. take care
First u need to recognize the reason that is bothering u. There hs to be smthng nagging at u. i think something is eating u inside. Face it.come to terms with it & then deal with it. U may want to write down ur feelings or u cn type ur feelings down if writing is a hassle. I do it all the time. Helps in an emotional release.
I think there is something buried deep inside u, a thought maybe that u may hv shoved at the back of ur head. Just find the reason & come to terms with it. Sitting on the computer is just another way of trying to ignore it. DO tell if u found something!!!
May wanna try listening to music but again it wud b lyk procrastinating trying to find that reason!!
Smtymes i also feel low & restless & then i realize that "Oh this is d reason" & i immediately calm down!!!
dude trust me, been there, done that, my whole childhood sucked. i was sad almost the entire time. best thing to do is talk to people but try not to make it your whole life. if you only talk about it the whole time you speak to people, they will eventually feel a bit akward. but that doesn't mean never talk about it. in fact you should talk about it when the time is right, ie one on one situations. teenagers lives suck. but don't worry when you grow up you will learn to love life. (assuming you are a teenager) i know it sounds lame but learning coping skills is really the best way to deal with it. i use meditation (not that faggy stuff with candles and such) but more like biofeedback. research that word and maybe it will help you. it has changed my life.

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