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Sometimes yeah. But not too long usually.
I know few people, well knew who commited suicide.

I still belive they got good reasons to do that and i sorta understand them. and miss them. :/
I feel like this all the time and it does not feel as if it's going to go. Just stay strong and try to listen to people trying to help you. I know it is not the greatest advice but if I had an answer I would not still feel the same. Pm me if you ever want to talk.
It wasn't this song was it?

Personally, suicide is just selfish. Think about everyone you'd be affecting and the impact you'd have on their lives. Nothing good comes from it. You have one life, make it worthwhile, to throw it away is beyond me.

It's never come to my mind, and I'll make sure it never will. I'm too good for that, and so are you.
I don't splel check.
If you really go down to bottom in your life... When you got nothing to live for.

I belive suicde is oppoturnity to many of them to escape from the reality, to somwhere else.

Most suiciders are from age 18 to 25 male's.. So i dont know then
Been there, done that.

I've been depressed and felt like nothing matters anymore, the only last thing i wished was to end my life. I know it was wrong, so i called my friend and talked with him, it helped a lot.

People who commit suicide have no idea how much they're missed, they're to selfish, they give up their live to run away from the pain* in real life. But they missed the important part, they got a family, friends, maybe a girlfriend, they'll get missed and due to their weakness in life they'll damage their nearest.

*Pain, by pain i mean the reason they're prepared to give up life, can be depress, drugs, losing a girlfriend etc.

- Methanity
(04-13-2011, 03:02 AM)S1cKL3R Wrote: Started feeling this way again so I thought I would bump this for more opinions.



I'll probably just go through with it since there's no hope for me.

Was just kinda hoping for help. :'(

EDIT: Please? Someone there? Sad

Suicide is definitely not the answer. I suggest you listen to the song "Firework" by Katy Perry. It might sound silly, but just do it.
Another suggestion could be; talk with your parents. Explain them everything and you'll find a common solution to everything.

- Methanity
No. Not at all. I like my life. I would never kill myself.
[Image: rara.png]
To be honest, I've never felt that way ever.

And if you are going to "Suicide" don't, you have a big life ahead of you mate.

Btw, what was the song?
sounds like you need to get into gaming.... You will forget about everything.... Even life...
Man's destructive hand spares nothing that lives; he kills to
feed himself, he kills to clothe himself, he kills to adorn
himself, he kills to attack, he kills to defend himself, he kills
to instruct himself, he kills to amuse himself, he kills for
the sake of killing. ~Josef de Maistre

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