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I'm fudged please help! [Facebook Issue/Bullying]
Hi Supportforums,

So whats happened is yesterday my friend on facebook added a video of someone in his class coming back from camp of someone sleeping on the bus and dribbling.Anyways I comment on it and said some comments about the person drooling.Anyways Today I had to go to the Deans office and explain what I've done anyways my friend was "Sick" today so he wasnt here to back me up so it was just myself anyways the dean says I posted some "mean" comments on this video which "attacks" the individual shown in the video.And so I had to stay in till like 4:20pm.Anyways well the dean said I had to login to my facebook account and show him the video so I did and went on my friends facebook page and theres no video...(My friend has obviously deleted it) anyways the school said they had copies of the video saved BUT they don't have the Comments!!!.And so in the end I had to go wait outside again then I get called back in when the 3rd form dean comes and then I have to explain what happens then the dean said I could go but as he said that he said to me that I have to find those comments and print them out but the videos been deleted which means the comments have been as well so I'm like to myself WTF! then I go home and here I am now.

To sum it all up:
I posted a "mean" comment on a video that my friend posted on facebook.Some snitch snitched on me.Now I'm in deep crap because I can't remember what I said in the comment on facebook and the dean thinks I'm lying when I'm actually telling the truth I simply can't remember.So I'm at the point where they say I could get suspended.Wtf... Anyways so as I left they said for me to find those comments but the videos deleted which means comments are gone which means I'm fudged Sad My only solution that I can think of is attempt to SE or try convince the dean that I am telling the truth and simply cannot remember!

Help me! I don't have much time til the end of today which is in about 5hours its gonna be time for me to go to bed and I wont have anything to back myself up with!!
If you're going to lie, make sure you're doing it right and don't mess up or you will be getting in way more trouble than you think.
Or if I could just find some sayings like "I swear to god I'm not lying" then I might be able to convince him that I'm not lying Sad
But the thing he is he thinks I'm lying so.. I dunno Sad
If the comments are 100% gone then you really don't have much to worry about. Also, what exactly did you say? Depending on how bad either lie or tell the truth. Also ask if the student was offended, and if the dean says no politely ask to leave his office.
What strange country do you live in that teachers can give you crap for stuff on facebook?

Besides if the comments are gone doesn't that mean they have no proof?

If they try to suspend you or anything get your parents involved, angry parents always settle the teachers down a little.
(04-05-2011, 03:20 PM)Swat Runs Train Wrote: What strange country do you live in that teachers can give you crap for stuff on facebook?

Besides if the comments are gone doesn't that mean they have no proof?

If they try to suspend you or anything get your parents involved, angry parents always settle the teachers down a little.

I would suggest you tell the truth, if the comments weren't that hurtful.
I suggest you just plainly block them. Solves the issues. People always say this but it is true; bullies are only insecure about themselves. They do this to you to make them feel better.
(04-14-2011, 04:45 AM)AsSaSs@iN Wrote: I suggest you just plainly block them. Solves the issues. People always say this but it is true; bullies are only insecure about themselves. They do this to you to make them feel better.

Did you even read the OP? He isn't having issues with bullies. He himself is the 'bully'.

They cannot suspend you for comments that, as far as they know, don't exist -_- Did the officials ever see the actual video while the comments were still present? You should have never admitted to saying hurtful comments.

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