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Medical Support subforum
It could be useful if we posted numbers like the Quebec hotline. That sounds like such a good service to have, Mario.
This would be nice. I get hurt fairly often (Not serious enough to go to the doctor. Just sports related stuff.) and it would be nice to hear what other people do for back pain or knee pain. I doubt anyone here is a doctor, but sharing some general knowledge wouldn't be such a bad idea.
[Image: Zephie_Sig_by_GKmero.png]
I think this is a good idea and a bad idea at the same time. Most of us aren't trained medically, so advice we give may be harmful, but for minor issues I think this would be a good subforum.
(03-27-2011, 07:03 AM)Eve Wrote: Registered health professionals are required by law to include necessary disclaimers, when giving advice to non-clients. That aside, there may be other legalities which prevent SF from having a formal medical section, simply because of the risks involved with publishing medical advice.

Opinion is allowable, but advice from self-claimed medical or health professionals is legally tricky.

What Eve says pretty-much sums this up. I see no reason to further divide the Healthy Living & Lifestyle forum at this time. I'm sure this will be taken into account more seriously once SF grows as a whole, and that forum specifically. Until then, I just don't think there's enough available content to pull this off.
One day, your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching.
This is quite a good idea but we will need experts and reliable sources here.
Never take your health as a joke.
I think if this group was official the advice would be more opinion based than facts. The advice given here isn't 100% professional unless we have dedicated medical experts on our forum from doctors to dentists. I don't think it would be very useful. I wouldn't risk a health issue by coming here for advice, i'd rather just consult my local family doctor or something similar.
(03-28-2011, 02:40 PM)Eve Wrote: It could be useful if we posted numbers like the Quebec hotline. That sounds like such a good service to have, Mario.

you live in quebec, Canada.....?

[Image: l_bf3b360235ef4a9cb0a03799f7e93aeb.jpg]
Psalm 144:1 Blessed be the LORD my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight
I support this idea,would be awesome if this would be implemented
(03-27-2011, 05:28 PM)Mao Wrote: Of course, we wouldn't give full-on consultations, but it can be a good place to go if you want to ask an opinion about which brand is better or what to expect before and after specific tests or maybe an alternative OTC drug, etc.

Aside from Sorath, there are other knowledgeable people here in SF. I, for one, am taking my bachelor's degree in medical technology (and hoping to pursue med school after that) and I have seen a couple of nurses post here before.
Medical school is highly overrated. The only thing to look forward to as a doctor these days is trying to pay off huge loans (tuition alone can be up to ~$55k/year), working crazy hours (including being on call for over 24 hours at a time every couple days - the longest call I had as a student was 38 hours and then I was on call again 2 days after) while not getting paid very well (as a student, you pay for the privilege of being talked down to; once you're practicing, it obviously depends on your field, location, practice type, and hours), getting sued, people with the misconception that all doctors are overpaid (one resident I worked with calculated it out as earning $2.75/hour), and being responsible for everything that happens on your service. This includes all those patients that are malingering and decide to complain to the hospital ethics committee or that try to sue you when you don't give them the Dilaudid they *need* for that magical abdominal pain that is only present when they're aware that you're testing for abdominal pain.
Like mycroft said, never take your health as a joke

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