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My irritating?
No, this isn't one of those teenage sob stories about parents not letting their kids go out and get trashed.


I am a 38 year old male with 6 children, 4 boys and 2 girls. My oldest daughter is 15 years old. She is not like other girls her age, she doesn't wear make up and dress in girl clothes, she doesn't go clothes shopping every weekend, she hangs around mostly guys,which is totally fine by my wife and I. She has never been the girly type and probably never will be.

and that is something,my mum, her grandmother, doesn'tseem to understand. See my mum is huge on girls wearing make up, she thinks it marks a transition from girl, to woman. When my daughter turned 14, my mum wanted to get her to try make up on. So she went over to her grandmothers house one day, and my sister was there to. My sister put on the make up for her, not much make up, just a little. My daughter HATED it, thought it made her look fake. My mum and sister thought this was just her being a "teenager"

My mum still has not got the hint though, ever since then she has been badgering my daughter into putting some on. Saying how it makes her look older and professional. She even tries to force it on her. My daughter hates it so much, she even cries when she gets forced, she just doesn't feel comfortable with it on. With her, its basically like trying to force make up on a guy. But my mum refuses to give up. My wife and I have both told her she needs to stop and let her be who she likes and if she doesn't wanna wear make up, she does not have to. Then my mum had a go at me saying if I don't get her to wear it, she will never grow up, she will just be a little kid all her life. I told her it has nothing to do with growing up, it is a choice and if she doesn't feel right wearing it, she shouldn't be forced to just because it makes her look nice. Then my mum called her lazy and I told her thats bullshit because she wouldn't cry over it if it was to do with laziness.

It really upsets my daughter and I believe it affects her self esteem. I know make up can enhance a womens appearance, but I care more about my childrens self esteem and mental state much more than what they look like.

It is to the point she hates going to her grandmas house anymore and she used to LOVE going there when she was a kid. I don't want her to never see her grandparents, same with all my kids.
Ok I sense a troll if I am not mistakened... If your 38, from my prospective and would take this seriously, you wouldn't say "mum" are you some British little brat of some sort???... Use mother next time and troll us with correct grammatical usage of the English language

If not I do not know what to say... I just had to leave that statement I made above here... thats all. Smile
[Image: t5BWm.png]
(01-24-2011, 07:55 PM)L3g1tWa5te Wrote: Ok I sense a troll if I am not mistakened... If your 38, from my prospective and would take this seriously, you wouldn't say "mum" are you some British little brat of some sort???... Use mother next time and troll us with correct grammatical usage of the English language

If not I do not know what to say... I just had to leave that statement I made above here... thats all. Smile

People from Britain say mum as a sort of slang. I don't think he's trolling man.
[Image: zcorpse.png]
uhm I know 50-60 year olds who still call their mothers "mum"

Well troll or not i think you should have the final say on what your kids do not your "mum"
[Image: bustedtees.07e3d5a3-8bf6-4c9a-8f85-5bccf2e28120.gif]
I think this one is safe guys. My dad's friend is Australian, around 40, still calls his mother "mum".

As for the thing about your mother, I think you have to remind her to stop acting like a mother and start acting like a grandmother. She should be informed that times have changed and everything is ran with a little more freedom now. It would be long and hard, but it worked for my family.
Quote:My religion tells me that God made the universe. My science tells me how.

[Image: 034_p16.jpg]
You need to have an open and honest discussion with your mother and tell her bluntly what you think on the subject, she should get the hint.
(01-25-2011, 08:58 AM)Swat Runs Train Wrote: You need to have an open and honest discussion with your mother and tell her bluntly what you think on the subject, she should get the hint.

second that! she should know your boundary when dealing with your children.
[Image: bustedtees.07e3d5a3-8bf6-4c9a-8f85-5bccf2e28120.gif]
(01-25-2011, 08:58 AM)Swat Runs Train Wrote: You need to have an open and honest discussion with your mother and tell her bluntly what you think on the subject, she should get the hint.

yes i do agree with you, he should be more open towards her.
Tell her what you think. Your an adult, it's your kids. Get that in her head.
[Image: 728x90_SF.gif]

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