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Friendship issues
So I once had these two friends..For privacy sakes I won't use their real names..Lets call them Rex and Emily..

Over a year ago now. I had a big crush on Rex which turned into love. (this was before he met Emily) I told him this and initially he was quite fine with it. He rejected me however he was nice about it and we remained friends as we were during this time.

ANyway not long after, he met Emily and she too liked him which I was quite fine with really, I did not get jealous of the two or anything. A month later they started going out.

I was friends with the two for quite a while. However little did I realise i was a little bit clingy towards Rex. I began to let go of my feelings for him and started to see him more of a brother. A while later, Emily began to start hating me and being downright rude and started to get upset if she saw him with me without her there.

Then, three months ago, they snapped at me. Told me that i stare at them and annoy the crap out of them. They said very hurtful things. They told me they never wanted to talk tome again, EVER and they don'twant me around them. I was extremely hurt and saddened I even cried about it. I tried to apologise many times but they wouldn't have it.

Three months later, I am still not over it. Her not being my friend anymore I have dealt with. But him, I really miss his friendship, he was the best friend when he was friendly towards him. They haven't spoken to me since.

I never meant to annoy them, Ijust wanted to be a great friend of them both. It is like being betrayed by a brother. Her not so much because I haven't known her as long as I have him (two years)

Anyone have ideas of how i can fix this? please?

By the way, we are all 18 years of age. They may sound like 14,15 year olds but they aren't.
Give them time to simmer down. Don't keep talking to them or trying to force yourself on them because that will make it worse. They probably are both aware of your feelings for 'Rex' and it bothers 'Emily' that you feel for him, even if it seems like she doesn't show it. Her reaction to it may have inspired Rex to act according to her feelings as to not damage what they have.

Like I said, give them some time. Make some new friends and try to put the hurt out of your mind the best you can so you don't hold it against either of them. They're probably just trying to protect their relationship.
Are you a boy or a girl..?
(12-28-2010, 08:36 AM)Laugh Wrote: Are you a boy or a girl..?

I do believe it's a girl judging from the reaction to the situation. I do not think Rex would intentionally act like this toward you. I do believe he was simply reacting to his girlfriend's emotions to basically keep on her good side.
Just wait for this to calm down and maybe they may split up soon. When they split talk to Rex im sure he will begin talking to you again.
Sit together, and settle out the problems.

That's always the best choice.

Good luck.
You need to find a way to tell 'Rex' how you feel about not being able to be friends with him anymore. Once you've done that, you need to play the waiting game. Sooner or later, a light-bulb in his conscience will turn on and he will realize that you've been there for him since day one, way before 'Emily'. Unless he talks some sense into 'Emily', he's going to need to make a decision between you or her. Whatever he decides, that'll tell you where he stands. If he'd much rather be with her, you just need to respect his decision if you care about him as much as you say you do. Let him be happy, the way he feels he should. As hard as it'll be for you, it's the right thing to do and you'll feel good about having done so in the long run, putting others before yourself.
(12-29-2010, 03:45 PM)Solidify Wrote: You need to find a way to tell 'Rex' how you feel about not being able to be friends with anymore. Once you've done that, you need to play the waiting game. Sooner or later, a light-bulb in his conscience will turn on and he will realize that you've been there for him since day one, way before 'Emily'. Unless he talks some sense into 'Emily', he's going to need to make a decision between you or her. Whatever he decides, that'll tell you where he stands. If he'd much rather be with her, you just need to respect his decision if you care about him as much as you say you do. Let him be happy, the way he feels he should. As hard as it'll be for you, it's the right thing to do and you'll feel good about having done so in the long run, putting others before yourself.

Solidify said exactly what i was about to say. Just give it some time, talk it over again.

(12-28-2010, 08:36 AM)Laugh Wrote: Are you a boy or a girl..?

Op is a girl.

The situation sorta sucks but the only solution is to wait. Apologize and hope they will accept it. If not, let them be. Continue on with your life. The best thing is to let him be happy. He will bounce back eventually when he sees something is missing.
[Image: death.png]

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