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[AnimalLovers]Stop Animal Abuse! [V's&P's]
Here is a set of video's I found on Youtube. The videos are made to help people realize what Animals of today are going through, and I hope all of us are trying to help stop it as well, no matter what kind of Animal.

♫Peter Lainson - My Old Friend

♫Seether - Broken

All the comments on the two videos with hate messages of people saying it was nice to do etc, were hacked by numerous Youtube users. Those with a Bank account were left bankrupt. I think it's just right for someone to do that to an Animal abuser. I don't care how many times I have to say this, but ANIMAL ABUSE IS WRONG


[Image: dog082548_3.gif]

This dog was strangled by a rope or a choke chain for a long time. After a while, the chain started sinking into the flesh.

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

I'd make that guy eat all of those chickens. Chickens left in a cage of some sort to die.

[Image: HORSE.jpg]

This horse probably had an eye infection and wasn't treated by its owner(s).

[Image: get-attachment-aspx.jpeg]

Notice how much blood is lost in the water.

[Image: xixifoshandogabused02560x419.jpg]

Not too sure what happened to this one, but the abuser probably stabbed the dog/puppy's eyes out.

I hope everyone helps us change this!
If only there was a way to change the way people think, but sadly no one will ever learn by videos & pictures
Jesus Christ! Could you put a the images in the spoilers the first image and the last one made me sick to my toes. I swear I actually cried when I heard that a horse in my town also had an eye infection, it could be the same horse o.O
I wish animal abusers will burn in hell for abusing animals.
Please spoiler the images! That dog without the eyes was too painful to see. No innocent living creature should be forced to that kind of pain!
[Image: 9178_s.gif]
OMG these pictures make me want to make the previuos owner of these dogs suffer. That is so messed up it makes me so angry.
It makes us all angry bro, but we could change it if we just have hope, and get everyone to lend a hand
This is why I don't feel sorry when humans get killed or tortured.
I sit in this small hole and think

the voices aren't real

but they have the most beautiful ideas.
If it was a mass animal killer, I'd actually just watch and laugh!
I hate seeing things like that :[

Someday those people will get their punishment..
[Image: idgjkO.png]

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