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So I would like to start doing some exercice.
And I was thinking about weightlifting. But I dont know how much weight should i use.
I am 14 years old, I am 1,78 or 1,1.80 (I dont remember), and I weight around 65 Kg.
So... Can somebody tell me how much weight should I use without being bad for me?
thanks everyone.
There's no way for us to determine which weight would be best for you based on your age/weight.

It depends on how much you can currently lift and what kind of work outs you are going to be doing.

Are you going to be doing endurance (many reps, low weight) or strength (few reps, high weight)?
Are you going to be using dumbells or a bench?
Are you going to be doing specific exercises or just simply lifting over and over?

Your best bet would be to experiment with weights - start out low and work your way up to where you can comfortably work out for more than 5 minutes using the same weight, but still feel like you worked hard after you're done.
14 is a pretty young age to be considering weight lifting, your body is still in developments and rapid muscle growth can put strain on the framework of your bones.

But to aid in answering your question, what do you hope to achieve?
Bigger muscles, stronger muscles, more enduring muscles?

Determining what you hope to achieve reflects on the size of weights you should be lifting, the techniques to use and the repetitions to base your lifting routine on.
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hehe i started weightlifting when i was 13 i started with 20 kilo's or something its not much but its good to start with.
[Image: icBx9Y.png]
20 kilos what?
Wow, I would not go too much or you could wreck your muscle & bones
I would suggest using your own body weight to work out at first. How is your strength regarding pushups, squats, pull-ups, and other similar exercises? You haven't told us what you hope to achieve like Sickshot pointed out, but I like to promote functionality over aesthetics.
I would never recommend someone of your age to start weight lifting.
It slows down you growth and development. Even though you're pretty big already. A bit slim though...

Anyhow, don't do weightlifting until you're 18-ish.
Do normal, body only, exercises. Push-ups, sit-ups, and about any else that is not putting weights on your back and schtuff.

But if you really want to start weightlifting. I think 30 pounds is an OK start.
[Image: 58iH.gif]
(11-08-2010, 09:03 AM)C4Vendetta Wrote: I think 30 pounds is an OK start.

i weigh 170 and i bench 210
Listen to this advice.
If you take heavy weight, less you get big bubble muscles.
If you take easy weight many times, you get long muscles.

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