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Everyone really has to get over that movie.. and the books.
Pretty soon everyone is going to hate everything about Twilight. because its EVERYWHERE.
I watched the movie just to see why EVERYONE was so crazy about it.. and it wasnt even that good.. =..=''
I have to disagree with that!I have watched the movie and read the books,and they are really good!In my opinion.Yeah,maybe they have fiiled whole world with it a little too much,but the idea and the realisation is very good and it's not strange that the world is crazy about it!
In italy we call the gals that watch that movie bimbeminchia. (something like dumbbaby)
I personally hate that movie but there are many ppls who love it.
i watched twilight the other day, i dont even think i made it halfway through
OMG how can u guys not like d best movie evr
well yes i agree dtht d movie is not tht gud cuz they skipped alooot of parts
but the books...they r awesome man!!!!! i soo want a edward in my life who shuld look like taylor lautner =D...did u kno hez jst 17
PISS. You guys are STUPID. or dumbbabys XD YES.
Theres no such thing as an EDWARD. XD Stupid kids..
hahahah Giraffe declared war on Cole
well giraffe oe whtevr yur name is
i kno tht there is noo such thing as EDWARD but i said i want it...i wish 4 it...i kno it wunt be tru
i have never read the books and i dont think i will, to be honest, i didnt know there were any books i thought it was just a film
Lol I know. wishing is fine. XD
I haven't read the books either, I just saw the movie.
I WAS gunna read the books, but I dont want to now.. its WAY too advertised.

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  twilight Realtreegirl 3 573 09-08-2009, 02:37 PM
Last Post: matt_mybb_import3694

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