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The fundementals of Time travel (my theory, improve i you can!!!)
ok, any siggestion on how i could improve this thoery? any crap will do... i need this for school...
When was the assignment due?
(08-05-2010, 01:12 AM)Eve Wrote: When was the assignment due?

lol a loooooong while ago......
So why do you still need it?
just wondering what pple think about it is all
Time travel is impossible. Past anyway.
If we could go back in time we would already know Smile
The limitations of the universe are the speed of light.
In order to time travel i believe currently the only theorys related to this are either traveling at nearly the speed of light and thus forcing time to slow or through a worm hole which is really quite impossible really.
IMHO we will never see time travel in any meaningful capacity.
Maby a few lucky people get to hang in time by looping around a black hole for a few years and come back 30 years in the future but i cant see a possibility on any meaningful way to do so.
No to mention the other implications.
Lets say i travel into the future by 1 minute and load a gun and shoot myself. How did i load the gun in the present time?
Not possible.
But its an interesting topic i have thought about a bit.
Did not read your bit though. Just the title.
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(08-05-2010, 01:37 AM)DAMINK™ Wrote: Time travel is impossible. Past anyway.
If we could go back in time we would already know Smile
The limitations of the universe are the speed of light.
In order to time travel i believe currently the only theorys related to this are either traveling at nearly the speed of light and thus forcing time to slow or through a worm hole which is really quite impossible really.
IMHO we will never see time travel in any meaningful capacity.
Maby a few lucky people get to hang in time by looping around a black hole for a few years and come back 30 years in the future but i cant see a possibility on any meaningful way to do so.
No to mention the other implications.
Lets say i travel into the future by 1 minute and load a gun and shoot myself. How did i load the gun in the present time?
Not possible.
But its an interesting topic i have thought about a bit.
Did not read your bit though. Just the title.

actually, i didn not present that in class. my entire presentation was about 2 minuits long:
it went something like this:
Folks, you all expected me to come up here and give you a theory on time travel, and ho it is possible compared to how it is not. I have come to a comcluision that makes this task impossible. You see, time does not exist. It never has. Humans cannot operate without time. They need something to measure the substance of time... it is even hard for me to explain. A clock does not measure time, it simple changes numbers. day/night do not represent time, they represent the moving of the earth around the sun. time travel is not possible because time does not exist. that would be like trying to capture the vacumm of space in a bottle. so this is my presentation, There is no time. it is simple what we have invented to keep track of things because of our limited minds. Time is merely an illusion. an illusion that grows, kills, feeds, and runs this world. that is all. thank you.
(it was supposed to be a 25 minuit speech, but i got an A- For this. (this was like a month ago, my speech was more orginzed then...)
Do you know that GPS satalites have special clocks that run slower to cater for the fact they actually do move at a quicker time than us Smile FACT.
Did you know all be it very slightly you actually slow down time when you stand next to the great pyramid. All be it so slight all but the best meters cant tell.
MASS & Speed can move time. FACT. But not in any real capacity.
As for time is not real? 4th dimension is time mate?
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One of the few topics i would really like to discuss but its cool.
He did have to be booted but.
However please if others feel they can contribute then i would love to banter.
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michio kaku can explain time travel, i can't really get my head around it.


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