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How do i break up ?
I think you should give her another chance. It was the first date, she might have been shy, worried, or scared. Give her a few more dates, try to get her to open up. I know a few girls that are quiet until they feel truely comfortable with you.
[Image: l9JyP.png]
I agree with giving her another chance. She was probably nervous and didn't know what to expect knowing that you were close before. She's probably yet to fully open up to the idea.

But if you still have doubts this early in a relationship, tying yourself into a commitment is probably a bad idea. As others have mentioned before, wait a little while so her birthday can pass, and try not to act like something is wrong. However, don't wait too long and drag her along, as she will noooot be happy with that.

Your best bet is to just be honest with her and tell her you don't feel that you're right for eachother, and you don't want to maintain a relationship with somebody you have doubts about. She'll be mad at first but will be glad that you were upfront about it and didn't BS her around.

And if all else fails you could always pull the I don't want to interfere with our friendship card, if you still want that.
(03-09-2011, 01:52 PM)Hуѕтєяιa X™ Wrote: Well, I personally don't agree with your reason. That maybe just me but that isn't what I'm going to bring up. If you actually love someone, like truly do, you will do anything to make things work or be with them. Calling her boring maybe true but that isn't a problem that has no solution.

You said it yourself, this was a FIRST date, why give up so early, that makes little sense to me. I think you should do the following things before even considering going into a relationship;

- Am I ready for commitment?
- Do you really love her?
- Are you willing to work things out?
- Can you adapt and overcome any challenge?
- Why are you doing this?
- Do you trust her?

If you think about those few things and can answer with pure honesty, you are ready for a strong relationship in my opinion. It takes two to tango and if it isn't working or seems not to be, sit down with her and talk to her but still it was a first date and you shouldn't just give up. Give the girl a chance and who knows, your relationship could flourish into something strong and ever lasting.


Don, you said you liked this girl for a while and then asked her out. What was it about her that you liked? Or was it just based on looks? Sometimes when a girl is quiet she could just be shy. Or she maybe thinking the same about you and does not know how to tell you. If roles were reversed i think you may think it is unfair of her to not give you a chance to be honest. There are so many sides to a person and you may have caught her on a day where she is actually not feeling well. Take it slow. Ask yourself, what were your expecting from your first date? Iit sounds as if you had a picture like the movies and that sometimes happens in a blue moon. With every action there is a reaction and I agree to look at how you were behaving that may have made her react in this way too. Give it a bit of time to at least not ruin the friendship. The most solid relationships are based on solid friendships as we cannot always love a person, but we can fall back on liking them on bad days we have. If after some time you really think there is no chemistry then in person have a chat to her about her feeling of how things are going out of respect for your friendship. Make a mutual decision to not lose anything as good friends are hard to come by. This advice is a lesson i learnt the hard way and regret being so blunt and often too quick for not getting what i expected in an ideal scenario of relationships/romance. Some of the best things in life are often standing infront of us and it is worth the time to explore it. Hope it works out for the both of you.
Are there any updates with this situation?

Personally, boring spells are going to happen in every relationship. I've complained to my husband time and again that we fall into routines and I'm bored out of my mind. But that's life, he has work and I have college. But if the boring spell happens on the first date, either you guys didn't click right or you're not giving her enough of a chance.

If she's quiet, maybe she's just shy. First dates are kind of nerve wracking because we put so many expectations on them. Maybe let her choose what she wants to do for the next date so she's more within her comfort zone. She may have an easier time opening up that way :]
Break the news genitally and make sure she is claim don't try to make her cry.
If you wanted to talk you shouldn't have gone to the movies. Seriously...
[Image: Zephie_Sig_by_GKmero.png]
(03-08-2011, 09:51 AM)don26 Wrote: I got in a relationship recently with one of my friend, whom I liked since a long time.

I hadn't met her since a year or so. I proposed a week back and she said yes.

We went on our first date together for a movie.

And i just now realized the worst thing about her - she is very boring. she HARDLY talks. she will reply only when you ask something. otherwise, she hardly says anything.

So, I think I should break up with her soon since this is never gonna work.

But the problem is - her birthday is on 10th March (day after tomorrow). So how do i break up ?? Also, WHEN do i break up ??

Sounds like you got a keeper, brah.

Most men can't shut women up unless they have a penis in their mouth.

But in all seriousness, some women just talk WAY too much.

Try getting her to talk more, talk to her about your issue with how little she speaks.
how old are you? obviously very young, your immaturity is an indicator that you are a teenager..... Breaking up with someone because they are boring? What are you? 12? you don't like someone because they aren't "cool" enough for you? Shes too boring. son believe what you like, you are not and never were in love with this girl. Because if you were, you wouldn't want to break up with her because shes shy, you would respect that quality.

Now grow up and tell this girl how you really feel and not on her birthday either...The even though of doing that on that day over her being shy just disgusts me... How immature can you get? Even if shes a huge bitch its a horrible thing to do on someones birthday....
If you wanna break up don't go out with her for few days,say u are bussy..And then just tell her it doesn't work that way.
[Image: masterfan25805212672368.png]
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