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Going BACK to school in august
I do not mind talking about this one particular issue.

When I first graduated highschool I was so unsure of how to go about my life. I knew I wanted to to get a degree with computers, however their were just so many to decide on.

After a year of being out of highschool is when I decided to finally go to college. I still wasn't sure at the time, and I ended up playing a game of darts basically which got me enrolled at University of Phoenix. And I hated it, I tried to deal with it, but eventually my grades suffered as a result and I went on academic disqualification. (I feel like I shoulda stopped there now and tried to move onto a different college)

Why Did I hate it?
simple, the following reasons:

-It was 1 class a week for 1 month.
-After a long talk with an uncle, who got his degree from the state university, he actually said the rating for UoP wasn't even good.
-This may have been a bad move, but I even did some after research on UoP, and figured out for my self that all the reviews were bad - and this kinda turned me away.
-they wanted you to work in "teams" for every project, and if team members didn't care, basically you were going to fail.

Maybe I was not serious about it at the time, and I feel like I made a huge mistake now. I went enroll out the local technical college (I only need to take 2 semesters worth of remedial classes to transfer to the university)

Should i just get my technical degree? or finish getting the credits to go to a real university? (I'm thinking just getting the credits for the university)

My classes start in august, and I am a little concerned. I already owe money from the student loans (i don't qualify for Financial aid I believe) from the time I went to UoP it's about 10,000$ worth. And now I'm more worried that I have to borrow even more just to correct my past problem.

I'm happy, I feel like my life is back on track in terms of education. But im scared that I'm about to destroy whats left of my financial life. and I'm only 23 right now. I mean this isn't even including what I need for the tech college + the university I plan to go to.

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Going BACK to school in august - by aeonicone - 05-16-2014, 10:43 AM

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