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How come i cant roll down the stairs?
Well im just wondering how i am not so fat as to be able to roll down the stairs...

Lets take a look at my lifestyle.

Chips,Pizza,Chicken etc etc(All the classic unhealthy ones except burgers)
PLENTY of energy drinks
Tonights dinner is garlic chicken kiev with oven chips and some ice cream for dessert.

Crisps,about 1-2 packets a day.
1-2 bowls of Weetoes a day(Always 1 for breakfast,very rarely 2)
Random chocolate

Non Existant unless you count once(normally) a year going sking,i hate PE and find any excuse to get out of it and do nothing.

6.2Ft but not growing much any more since about a year ago.

Despite all of this i am incredibly thin and people say i need to put MORE weight on,also i happen to be one of the strongest people in the year(The strongest i think last time i checked)
So how am i not fat?

My day:
Wake at 7:30AM
School from 8AM(Bus) to 4PM(Get home)
Computer till 10PM-1AM(Depending on tiredness,not including meal times which take up about half an hour max)

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How come i cant roll down the stairs? - by The Doctor - 02-01-2011, 09:14 AM

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