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Don't know how to explain this very well.....
Basically every now and then I get this feeling where every sound is over exaggerated.

Few examples,

Right now as I'm typing this, and reading it through in my head, it feels like the words are angry, overpowering and controlling.

I was on the train the other day listening to music, I put on a fairly soft, easy to listen to song, and it sounded in my head as if it was kind of shouting at me, and each beat was really exaggerated even though I'd listened to it before when it sounded perfectly normal.

It only happens once every few weeks if that, but more so recently.

I've had the same problem as long as I can remember and it's always kind of freaked me out, but I've never spoken about it because I thought it was nothing. Although when I was younger it happened way less often, like maybe once every few months.

It doesn't last that long, only maybe 10-15 minutes and then everything sounds normal again.

Anyway I just want some advice on what I can do about it. Should I tell my mum? Go see a doctor? I don't really know if its something to worry about or not.

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Don't know how to explain this very well..... - by Guest - 12-18-2010, 05:51 PM

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