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Help me chill (Caution Vulger Language)
(10-04-2010, 11:39 PM)NekoChan Wrote: Change jobs? How would that work out for you?

If somebody pisses you off, try counting to 10 while walking away. Maybe think about something else.
You can also try my guide,

And yea, I'm going to post, since I'm helping everyone in this section, you like it or not.

Your Guide and posts are Garbage I warned your idiotic self NOT TO POST here Yet your too stupid to listen. This is the next gen Then when I die the world will be full of idiots.
(10-05-2010, 01:48 AM)DAMINK™ Wrote: Roids. Well bingo!! HUGE PROBLEM FOR ANGER RIGHT THERE. Its called testosterone.
Dont feel too bad mate. Really dont.
I am an angry prick. Have been my whole life. Hell some days i just get angry for my own personal enjoyment.
I have smacked my boss in the mouth. Hell i could not count the amount of people i have smacked in the mouth.

Its the differences in us that keep us going. By us i mean Humanity.
We cant all be the same.
Enjoy who you are mate. Sure try control it a bit better perhaps. But dont loose it.
Anger is a great emotion. It is an emotion that is capable of getting the job done where other emotions will let you down.

Now if this anger is strong enough to control your life more than you like. To the point of striking out on loved ones for example then you do need a bit of help.

I dont often say this to people as most think its stupid. But i think you may benefit.
When i am on a really bad day. Really angry with the world and stressed i often have a bath. yep a bath.
But not a normal bath. What i do is this.
Radox (muscle relaxent) in the bath. Nice and warm. Get comfortable in the bath. Lock the door if you have to.
Then submerge your body entirely. And every part of your body apart from your nostrils.
Now once you only have your nostrils out of the water you will very quickly notice your breaths will cause you to bounce up and down and ultimately get water in your nose.
Well this is the trick. You need to focus on your breathing at this point to control your buoyancy.
Once your capable of keeping your nose above the water you move to the next stage.
With every breath in you tell yourself..... "Breathing in flowing energy"
With every breath out you tell yourself... "Blowing out the bad!"
Do this for as long as you can. Focus on your breathing only.
Now once you have reached an enlightened state you take the plug out with your toes and let the water drain out not moving at all. You will feel the weight of your body come back. And your body will feel very relaxed.

I know it sounds silly. I really do. But please everyone. Try this. Trust me its worked for me for years.

Now side note. "flowing energy" some may be questioning. Well the answer is simple.
Consider flowing energy the movement of blood through your body. The lifeline of your body infact.
This in not actually true but my simple way to try explain it.
Should someone want more on flowing energy then please ask. Or google bruce lee's one inch punch.

You know I saw this I tried it last night and your actually correct It helped calm me down. But what am I to do if my anger comes out uncontrolled at work and I just Lose it?Confused
[Image: zjxhqb.png]
First to Fight Last to Leave Hoorah!!

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RE: Help me chill (Caution Vulger Language) - by Dcrac23 - 10-05-2010, 06:10 AM

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