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(09-21-2010, 01:42 AM)DAMINK™ Wrote: Sad sad story.
Ok.... I will try be as nice as possible here despite my feelings.
You let your child go. Fact.
You uncontested a court appearance! Fact.
You got pregnant again. Fact.
Now your not happy the grandparents want to control the child?
Sorry your selfish. Very selfish. This thread is about you when it should be about your kids.
You need to start thinking of others. Namely your kids!
DONT f uck up the next birth as you did the first!
Sure you can make reasons.... This and that. But ultimately if your driving force is your kids then external s hit does not come into play. (i know from experience)
You say you recently had a new bloke and were working yes?
Now i assume you broke up. So you feeling pitty on yourself decided to quit your job?
Again thats just stupid thinking. And selfish thinking.
These sort of thoughts are dangerous.
You need to be aware of what i am saying.
I am not so much picking on you as trying to explain to you.
Grow up. Start caring about the developing baby in your tummy!
Try not stress out too much over s hit.
Good luck. I do mean that.

Well said my friend I was going to say something along those lines but you beat me to it. Goodluck with your child to be.
[Image: zjxhqb.png]
First to Fight Last to Leave Hoorah!!

Messages In This Thread
nlklkl - by skooner - 08-25-2010, 04:16 AM
RE: im resenting my unborn baby already - by Dcrac23 - 09-23-2010, 07:21 AM

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