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Post your CTRL+V.
the catcher and the rye

Ow yea this is a book I need to buy for school. (= summer reading.
[Image: ty1er.png]
padsp java -Xincgc -Xms512M -Xmx512M -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:mc_garbage.log -server -jar ~/minecraft.jar

I copied this two hours ago, wow.
4:20:18 PM] .Dollar:
[4:20:25 PM] .Dollar: Be active and be high quality
[4:20:29 PM] .Dollar: Buy L33t
[4:20:30 PM] iS THaT TuRTLe: it doesnt let me go to
[4:20:33 PM] iS THaT TuRTLe: at all
[4:20:33 PM] .Dollar: Then were good
[4:20:37 PM] .Dollar: What does it say?
[4:20:49 PM] iS THaT TuRTLe: ill try internet explorer
[4:21:02 PM] .Dollar: I use GC
[4:21:14 PM] iS THaT TuRTLe: me too
[4:26:17 PM] .Dollar: You may be firewalled
[4:26:27 PM] iS THaT TuRTLe: how do i turn it off?
[4:26:29 PM] .Dollar: :-\
[4:26:33 PM] .Dollar: You cant
[4:26:57 PM] iS THaT TuRTLe: awwwhh
[4:27:00 PM] iS THaT TuRTLe: ):
[4:27:09 PM] iS THaT TuRTLe: but ive connected along time ago
[4:28:09 PM] iS THaT TuRTLe: im about to reset im computer
[4:28:11 PM] iS THaT TuRTLe: should i?
[4:28:14 PM] iS THaT TuRTLe: or no?
[4:28:39 PM] iS THaT TuRTLe: ?
[4:30:02 PM] iS THaT TuRTLe: or is that a bad thing?
[Image: rara.png]
I had finally realized WHAT I'VE DONE to myself and I had to BLEED IT OUT.I was in to much pain so I ended up NUMB and I was CRAWLING to the doctor and WAITING FOR THE END but IN THE END the doctor said that LINKIN PARK was my only cure .

----- Thats my ctrl+v
I hate sex in the movies. Tried it once, the seat folded up, the drink spilled and that ice,
well it really chilled her mood.

[Image: 506243.png]
This is mine
"                  "

It was my reply on the thread which is your fisrst post
My software company: Porosis Software
Games: Terrantula
Apps: Mathanasis, ColorGrabber

(05-21-2011, 05:40 AM)Gaijin Wrote: In some cases... LOL o.O

Well, yes. I can show you the recipients of the award. It's only the recent batch that are utterly posting crap.

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