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Post your CTRL+V.
Inb4fail, oh wait, darn billy's gone and i'm too late!
Mine is:

1. Boot into a LiveCD
2. Open a terminal
3. Open the GRUB Command line utility by typing

sudo grub

4. Tell GRUB where your Ubuntu partition is by entering

root (hdA,B)

Where 'A' is the hard-drive number, starting at 0, and 'B' is the partition number, starting at 0. For example, if Ubuntu was installed on the second partition of the first hard-drive, the command should be

root (hd0,1)

5. Tell GRUB which drive to put the boot sector on

setup (hd0)

(replacing 0, as above, if a drive other than the first is used as the boot device)

6. Leave the GRUB Command line


and reboot.
Support the best of ideas ----->

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Off-topic: People with long posts. LEARN TO USE SPOILERS.
ummm transfering my sig from HF lol...

[Image: sig6.png]
follow me on twitter glen120307
click me----->[Image: SV42.gif]<-----support me

so its that..
Sorry, this transaction exceeds that user's chip transfer limit.
Small, simple, safe price.
Rise the wake and carry me with all of my regrets.
This is not a small cut that scabs, and dries, and flakes, and heals.
And I am not afraid to die;
I'm not afraid to bleed and fudge and fight,
I want the pain of payment.
What's left, but a section of pygmy sized cuts.
Much like a slew of a thousand unwanted fucks.
Would you be my little cut?
Would you be my thousand fucks?
And make mark leaving space for the guilt to be liquid.
To fill and spill over and under my thoughts.
My sad, sorry, selfish cry out to the cutter.
I'm cutting trying to picture your black, broken heart.
Love is not like anything,
Especially a freakin knife!
/ignore interface!*@* noti priv
you will like this one

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