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My Situation
I want to start out by saying Hi. I am a 31 yr old F. Like all of you I have a long life story & I will try to sum it up with more recent events. I have made choices in my life, some I am proud of,some I am not. I had a problem with work ethic a few years ago. Almost ruined my relationship, but I am proud to say that I have been at the same job now for 4 years and I even go to work when I am sick(co-workers love me 4 that). I have a big problem with remmembering small things, I chalk it up to being scatter brained, I have forgotten things like speeding tickets and court dates and everyone knows that forgetting crt dates results in a warrant 4 your arrest. It took me a while to get all of that mess cleaned up & I did. It felt good to not have that to worry about. I have also made bad financial decisions like not paying certain bills so that I could pay for more important bills(don't do that). Anyway, a police officer came to my house to take my drivers license!!! I didn't know they did that!!! He didn't know specifics but said it was prolly an unpaid ticket wich is impossible because I am positive I cleared all that up. So that leaves an unpaid bill of another type. Here's my deal. Why the hell would a creditor suspend your license, are they retards, how the hell am I supose to get to work. UMMM HELLO! if I cant get to work, then I can't make money, If I can't make money then I can't pay you. If I can't pay you then guess what, we are right back where we started. I am so angry, mostly at myself for getting so overloaded. I am sooooo upset I don't know what to do. I will call the dmv in the morning and see for sure whats going on, but until then I keep thinking, well girlie, no matter what you do or how hard you try to do good something is ALWAYS going to kick you back down. I guess i'm just frustrated, People say that God isn't going to throw anyhting at you that he thinks you can't handle. God? I can't handle anymore so please stop throwing things at me.
And what is your question here exactly? Or did you just want to free yourself by typing this out?
Im sorry mam, but have you tested yourself for ADD? I am aware you are of an older age, but this can go undetected and untreated and can worsen with age. Im asking you this because you said you forget things, and as that is pretty common thing ( I do it all the time); forgetting important events such as your court dates or tickets isn't quite normal on the contrary people would be stressing over it, and remembering it every certain period of time. Just my 2 cents you might want to talk to a doctor, or in the mean time carry a planner? As for your frustration you can try screaming ( I did it once when I was home alone and it felt like I was 100 pounds lighter); use a pillow or something to smother the noise if you like. I hope any of what I said helped at least a bit.
Hi there, i am so sorry to hear about your current situation. i stress current. It does sound idiotic how the system is set up and there is only so much patience, stress and creativity one has to get yourself out of it. it is natural you are frustrated rom this and I would be too. Sounds generally like you have had it quite stressful like a roller coaster ride. I noticed some very positive things with your 4 yrs at work and committment there which i applaud you for. Paying your bills and getting ontop of that. Hard to see the positives at such times hence why i write this to you. There may be a medical condition for not remembering, exhaustion, stres overload can cause forgetting things alot. if you do sports, meditation or anything that gives you downtime each day before or after work to clear the mind is something you need to do. A planner could work though if you forget to write in and then check it this may not work. There was a time where i forgot and it was bloody frustrating to be honest so i empathise here. stress did it for me. One thing i do and trained to do is when there is a bill or an appointment that is important, i put it in my outlook calender with an alarm (as i work on the coputer alot) and even on the my phone calender. This works for me as i do it straight away and not i will do that later. Slowly becomes routinised now. I also found taking the right vitamin supplements and fish oil tablets has improved my memory as well as training (well i should do that more but that is another story). The effects are long term with this but you should see a change within 2-3 months. let me know how it goes for you. hope these ideas help. if i come up with something else i will let you know. Hope u get your license back soon
Thank You for all your wonderful thoughts and ideas. The vitamins are a good idea. I talked to my mother(nurse) about alztheimers and she and the Dr. she works for strongly beleive it's not Alztheimers, due to my age it is extremley rare. The stress and being overloaded totaly makes sense, I do have alot on my plate. Finding something to do hobby wise is a awesome idea and I will do that. Thank-you again for all of your helpSmile
I hope your problem is solved.But yeah...I just wanted to voice my opinion too..
First off..i hope you realize that mostly>>I repeat>>MOST of the members in here aren't around 30 ..hell not even 25 years of age..atleast not I dont know whether you value our advices considering our..or perhaps ..My lack of experience in these things..
However..when it comes to the forgetting the simplest of things..I strongly believe that i've been in the worst situations.
I've gone for memory improvement classes around here and basically what they taught me was to memorize numbers..and words like Bat,ball,james,sun,sheep,err..what i mean to say is its all random words..well..that class did not exactly help me to improve my memory when it comes to practical stuffs..but yeah..some things like IMAGE memory and linking people to the image of the object stuff sure does help me remember the shopping list.
But now as technology has improved a great deal..i suggest you use your phone to plan stuffs..and assign them to the calender with an alarm if necessary..
And as for your stress..well..It depends on situations..and however adverse the situations are,I ADVICE YOU NOT TO TAKE ANTI-DEPRESSANTS..
Some effective steps to tackle that are:
1.Yoga-Considering your busy schedule..i guess this wouldn't be appreciated.
2.Hangout with friends and family.
3.Nature is the best stress reliever if u are a keen observer.
You might want to take a day out too some beautiful place.
4.Music-Self explanatory.

Hope everything goes well with you.
[Image: 52I4m.png]
Please keep us updated on your progress, and I wish you luck with your issues.
hi there, how are you? hope things are slowly feeling better for you. Did you get your license back. Anyway, some great tips here from all from all ages and backgrounds. Find the right mix for you.
Good luck
Yes, I did get my license back. They mailed it back a couple days agoSmile) Me and my boyfriend have planned a 4-wheeler camping trip for May so I can get away and unwind, I hope it helps. I had a bad week at work, I was bitten twice, I was running behind schedule all week, I was over-whelmed at times and when I asked my boss for some help(wich i never do)she just acted like...well...a bossSad It was a "Murphy's" week for sure. I guess I didn't realize this was a twenty something crowd. Thanks for the heads upSmile

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