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wtf do I do
my stepdad is hooked on bathsalts, its like a cross between coke, xtc and meth. he is fudged up 24/7, my mom doesnt sleep with him no more she sleeps in the living room; he hoards now (junk) and has useless bullshit stacked everwhere (crap he gets from alleys) I cleaned the backyard once and threw all his crap out and he got my trashbags and emptied them in the backyard, scattered the trash with his feet then meandered a flashlight back and forth through it looking for "tools" I threw away when their wasnt any... he grabbed sum trash out of the garbage and started staking it telling me to never throw it away again, then went back inside the house leaving trash all over the backyard...

he is hoarding girl clothes, he gets it from the alleys, its sum gross, fudged up, pathetic crap. and tell me wut you think about this... but their is a hole where. for lack of a better word.... where his 'diick' should be in all these girl clothes, one time he came back from work late, and he was wearing a mario outfit (even the boxers) that he found in the alley and he didnt even wash them, and he thought he was sexxy (walked inside the house looking/acting all cool)

my mom cant leave, cuz then we are homeless, we have no famillly in this state, she cant get a job cause then she loses foodstamps (which she desperately needs for me and my lil brother) and she has chronic back pain and glaucoma. I am trying to get a job (16 almost 17) and went online and filled a shitload of applications out, but it doesnt work...

my brother is the only person I hang out with, and we are a very poor familly we have no source of entertainment what so ever, (I am at school right now using their internet, its a charter/computer school) and long story short, my step dad stole a quarter oz of dro from me which took me along time to get/raise money for working for my friend, so I steal from my stepdad. and one time I stole a pipe loaded with k2, and me and my brother smoked 3-4 bowls of it. and my brother almost had a heart-attack (we are both long time polydrug users but it was super intense) I have done over 30+ drugs, and 10+ combinations of them all but this was out of this world it was called "game over" which is the most trippiest you can get, its far stronger than 60x salvia. and it lasted an hour or two. since then my brother quit drinking, smoking weed and everything else, and went from a pack a day 'his homies always hook him up for free' to less than a full cigerate "he smoked shorts now"

since getting fudged up was all me and my brother ever did to bond he doesnt want to hang out with me, and I dont like tagging/ride bikes with him unless im fudged up, "its so boring riding a bike to the same place over and over and over again" he complains how I am not having fun and no matter how hard I try to tell him how boring it is he just doesnt get it and he looks at me like im the dumbfuck... so now me and my brother just never hang out and it sucks.. I have very few friends cause I am queit and he stole my best friend..

wut do I do, where do I start?
slowly getting better
you kick him out the house! well you cant.. get a job its the only thing.
im getting a job tomorrow, working full 8 hour shifts on top of school =D
place has positions availible, sending in my resume =D
slowly getting better
I'm familiar with bath salts, and that crap might seem like a joke but it DEFINITELY isn't. Does the same thing as cocaine almost.

Talk to him about it. You can't drug test for it. Tell your mom if he doesn't stop, give him a warning though. Be there for him cause it'll def. be hard..
Move out with your mom. I know he's your dad and all, but if you really love him, you'd:

A.) Give him time to recover on his own.
B.) Get him in therapy, rehab

The worst case scenario is death here, and my research on bath salts shows that some people die on it.
he doesnt want rehab. he loves being fudged up
thanks for the advice though, it motivated me into a job
slowly getting better
Make him go to rehab, if he wants you and your mom he would do it to keep the family together
Talk to your school counselor. They will help you most of the time but i don't think they can force your dad to go on rehab Sad. Good thing you got a job though. Keep your money well hidden because your dad might steal it. And try working out! trust me you feel so good after. You should quit using drugs too

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