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How to move on?
Not trying to make this post all depressing and such. Recently ex-girlfriend and I decided (well, really mostly her) to just cease communication between us and move on from each other. A little background information is we were a long distance relationship for about a year. We officially broken up though afterwards we talked still and showed each other feelings. Till we got into an argument and she was saying stuff like she just needed to have fun, not feeling any baggage from a relationship, wanting to be flirty, wanting a physical connection, etc. Then she asks me to vent to her because I never had vented to her during our conflicts before this one so I did. Basically what I told her is wanting a physical connection is stupid because I was going to move in with her in Australia after high school since I saved up. I wanted to be with her after school which ends in 6 months and not let her wait any longer. I told her why couldn't she just be patient like she told me to be so she can have that ''physical connection'' and breaking up with me just because we're not having sex is beyond stupid. Anyways, I told her along those lines and she felt like I was talking to her as a slut, harlot, etc. I have apologized afterwards, told her nobody deserve to be talked badly like that, etc. So this one day I wake up early to go to a university campus visit and I checked my Facebook messages to see if she sent me a message. She sent a long message stating she talked to her mom about what I said to her, what she said to me and stuff like that. She stated in the message that it wasn't fair for her to be hurting when she talks to me, how I didn't deserve to get a chance to be friends after talking to her as a ''harlot'', and that she was going to block all communications we had so we could move on.

I'm not mad at her for doing this though I'm upset I wasn't able to tell her goodbye and tell her how I feel about this. I honestly do not have any close friends for support so journal entries I started and any stranger who is kind to help me in the internet is all I have. I do have great parents though they always make fun of me about my personal issues and think they're petty so they don't take me serious. I'm afraid they're going to do that to me so I've been keeping to myself about this. All I've been doing to help is focusing on high school and watching lots TV shows after school. I mean hours of episode back to back kind of thing. I do not know how to move on from this. It's been about a week or so after she blocked me. By now I should at least be okay, right? I have deleted her pictures off my phone, her Facebook messages, her number, and any other apps we used to talk to each other. I have started a new ''official'' hobby rather than just watching TV and playing video games. To help me overcome this though it doesn't start till I get what I need to start the hobby. The hobby is growing carnivorous plants. You know, plants like Venus Fly Traps and pitcher plants. I have bought most of the supplies besides a lamp and this adapter to have two light bubs in one so whenever the weather gets cold I could bring my plants inside. I don't get the plants itself till this Friday or next week. I honestly do not know how to deal with this. I've been watching Legend of Korra and focusing on school to keep my head busy.


OP is upset over a girl and doesn't know how to move on.
Break ups can be, and are hard to deal with. I've gone through several and what I find is the best coping mechanism is going outside, finding a hobby outside. I took up parkour and fell in love with it. I wasn't as fit as I wanted to be when I started and it's been a goal to be more fit. Find something to do that you need to learn. It will take your mind off the break up much more then just an episode of a TV show. After the show you'll go down that hole again and feel like crap.

Learn how to code if you don't like going outside, post on the forums maybe. Help others on here in something you know how to do.

Life happens, you're in high school. Focus on good grades, work on your social skills, and maybe even take a public speaking class! Gain confidence, and learn how to do it.

The best way to cope is to distract yourself, so make it useful and beneficial to yourself.
We all have things we want to say, but not publicly. We all need help with them at one point. If you want a private conversation or seek private help, send me a PM.
Hey Kenpachi,

I'm sorry to hear you've been going through such a difficult breakup. Certainly been there before - it's an awful feeling. I hope you figure it out.

I think it's cool that you're journaling about it. That can be a really helpful coping mechanism. Have you heard about this iPhone app called Empath? It lets you share your feelings anonymously in your own private emotional journal, but your posts also go into an anonymous feed where others can empathize and provide support. Thought you might find it helpful.

Anyways, hang in there. I hope things get better for you.

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