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Gaining weight
Well I'm weird and not sure if I should be freaking out or not. I'm particularly athletic and take part in all kinds of sports at school. I'm usually one of the first to complete the mile in PE and I excel in many other cardiovascular activities. I have no problem doing pushups or situps, I actually have a sculpted physique with a 6 pack and muscle on my arms.

My problem though is that I'm skinny. My wrists are small and I get made fun of it occasionally also. Don't get me wrong though, I'm not fragile but I'm just skinny.

I do workout just as frequently and if not more often as my friends and they are tough workouts, but with me, my body just gets a bit sculpted but I don't really gain much muscle. I'm still weaker then them if we have an arm wrestling contest even though I train much harder then them, and I just can't manage to bulk up and gain weight.

Do any of you have this problem or know a fix? I know I should be eating protein, but I want a quick fix for this :3.

This reminds me of myself before.

Eat carbs.

And try some protein shakes, or creatine with work outs.
Hey please tell me how to loose weight, becuase desparately I wanna loose.

transformer prototyping
Wow, someone who wants to gain weight? haven't seen that in a whole, I have no solutions to help you though sorry.
Eat lots of meat, potatoes and drink milk
I had the same problem, this is what I did:
Train a lot, strength training. Forget about running since it burns a lot of carbs.
Do a lot of strength training and eat as fudge, how ever eat healthy otherwise you might gain fat.
After you have gained your desired weight run some to get lower fat percent!
[Image: wugcpy.png]

Yeah, eat carbs and protein; it should help.
Thanks guys, I'll keep all of these tips in mind. Can someone suggest a appropriate meal full of carbs for me?
Here are some meals that are high in carbs: link

One thing you'll notice, is that almost all of them have some sort of bread or noodles in it ;)

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