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My best friend has turned to drug(s)
Well the title pretty much says it all. I recently found this out by another good friend of mine, which told me who she was smoking marijuana with. Now I know that there's quite a large debate about whether 'weed' is actually good or not, but I will say that she's only a Freshman in Highschool, and to start drugs now would open up a big crack that could spread to different areas of her life: Dropping out, drug addiction, physically changing, mentally/emotionally changing, interaction with dangerous gangs, dropping out of school, etc.

She's smoked so much that she almost constantly coughs during class/lunch, and I would just come straight out and tell her to stop, but at the same time, my friend tried to tell her and she just got mad. It seems she's too set on getting high, because like all drugs it makes you feel less pain and forget your worries. She's always had family problems and other major problems with life, which I won't mention and a lot more I don't know. I do know that the main reason that she's actually started it is because there's nothing else she can do to dull all her worries, because she's not in a relationship with anyone right now.

I've been trying to help her out, but I'm pretty 'socially awkward' (whatever term you want to use would be fine. Just a really mellowed down version of autism), and I don't do good with face to face conversations. I'm sure plenty of people will also say to "get help", or "contact the law enforcement" but I know at the same time it'll probably drive her into doing other, more delinquent things like vandalism and possibly petty theft. I've told her plenty of times that I don't want anything to happen to her, so that she'd possibly see that she means something to at least one person, and that it would hopefully bring her to realization, but that's not the case. She's also gotten drunk on several occasions and if she keeps it up it'll end up ruining her whole life and you can't just die and respawn with a completely new start on life.

I've gotten a high spike in my stress level lately, with complete stupidity at my school, like how at least half of the people in highschool do a variety of drugs outside of it. I myself may drink something on special occasions but never getting completely drunk to the point that I have a freaking hangover. Anyways, back on subject:

I was wondering if anyone knew something I could do to help her, because with Christmas break just starting she has plenty of time to throw her life away. I have a feeling I'm just gonna have to wait it out then when the break ends, she'll come back a completely different person, which has happened to someone else already (I guess it's just my luck, huh?). She does text but not that much anymore, probably because she's been smoking and has gotten less sociable.

There's not much else to say, besides that I've got a terrible feeling and feeling completely helpless really isn't something enjoyable.
Damn, that sucks bro.

Just tell her that this crap is not good for her, at all. It could ruin her whole life.
Maybe you can sit with her and watch the show Intervention. Find some episodes that might be close to her story. They are on Netflix right now.

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(12-22-2011, 02:27 PM)Omniscient Wrote: Maybe you can sit with her and watch the show Intervention. Find some episodes that might be close to her story. They are on Netflix right now.

This or I love, Celeberity Rehab with Doctor Drew, I'll tell ya what I love doctor drew he freakin TELLS it like it is, and life is freakin scary..
This is really tricky... People who're using drugs usually don't listen to people that says that drugs are bad... My ex started smoking weed as well. When I found out I couldn't trust her anymore. But, anyhow, if she has family problems and such, maybe a shrink is what she needs? Or someone that really talks it through with her, listens to her and do what s/he can to give advice and help.

One thins I can say with certainty is that as long as she's sticking to weed you don't need to be that worried. It's not good, THC is a poison, but at least it's not addicting. Cannabis is just habit-forming, so there's no physical addiction involved. Also, you can't die from overdose or anything like that. I know this because I'm kind of educated on drugs through IOGT's youth organization here in Sweden. I hope this can at least give you some peace of mind!
I wasn't exactly worried what pot itself would do, but everything else it could go to, because it can easily spread to other things in your life.

I don't know about any of the symptoms of pot but she keeps saying she's sick (she used to actually 'be sick' almost a month ago) but all she's doing is coughing. I'd at least expect a runny nose or something besides constant coughing that sounds nothing like you're coughing up stuff that builds up in the back of your throat.

And that would be something good to do, be the person that actually cares/listens, but I can't do that right now because I exactly get in contact right now. She usually doesn't text anymore (and she used to be the person that posts something on facebook about wanting someone to text with) so I think she's spending more and more time to get high and not paying enough attention to everyone in her life that actually cares. And she may not be as bad as me at sharing emotions/feelings/negative stuff, but of course I wouldn't be able to just simply start a conversation with that subject because it'll take time.

I'm hoping/thinking that they'll run out of money for it, and they'll just stop. Because there's no one that has enough money to keep smoking like half a dozen blunts every day, all though if they're getting it from someone dangerous it could be even worse.
The truth is that doing drugs is her decision and for her to get better she needs to take responsibility and understand what she's doing. To help guide her, sit down with her and talk honestly about how you feel. Talk calmly and try not to sound offensive; and explain how doing drugs will affect her life.

If you are close enough friends and she doesn't seem to understand, go out with her one night to a party or something and smoke a crap ton till it makes you sick. When she see's how horrible you look and feel hopefully she'll help you and understand how that is what she looks like and will know that you just care for her health.
Its not your job to make her stop or even make her feel guilty for using drugs.
Its a personal choice and you need to accept that.
I have smoked dope my whole adult life and some of my childhood.
No real side effects to speak of at all.
It could even help her if she is stressed with school assignments and what not.
Dunno mate. To often people feel its there responsibility to control others destiny. (not saying you are just generally)
Just be a friend and support her. If she asks then you tell her what you think. Other wise just support her regardelss.
Even drug mad idiots need mates.
Just my opinions here not a direct dig at the OP as much as generally.

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I would say a great thing you can do is look up videos on Youtube of people who have turned their life around, or videos of people who have had their life ruined.
When people can generally see what the consequences of their actions are, rather than just being accused of things,are more likely to piece together what they need to do.
Worst thing you can do is just come out and address it directly, it could anger her, in which she would lose a good friend, causing her to depend on drugs even more.
sound look like pretty serious heavy out of control because illness because lose on addiction heavy drug! It is very risk dangerous on risk not good too much increase on heavy anger her about to serious! It is very about to worst! I advise you I suggest to you reduce your adjsut to her adjust to limit take away better normal or fail hard to situation!

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