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I dont know what to do my life is pointless someone please help?
Okay first off with a bit about me :
I was born December 23 1994 ( weird huh? ), i was born very under weight and short, since being so under weight i had issues involving being extremely weak, heart problems, calcium deficiency, and Vitamin D deficiency also.
During my toddler years 2-4 years old, i got slightly better, increasing weight to a safe amount and began being involved in sports, and was actually quite comfortable around Girls.
When i turned 5 we immigrated from Macedonia to New Zealand, very far away.

From here is where i like to think my anti - socialness along with my weight problems began, along with lack of any physical activity which i regret everyday of my life.
During the "child " years of my life 6-12, i increased in weight ALOT i was around 60kg at 6, with a height of no more than 1.51M i believe, to add to that i was constantly teased and ignored, no one cared, really.

During year 1 ( i was 5 years old, in New zealand they call them years, year 1 is when you are 5, year 2 is when you are 6 etc ) i was liked, i was thin and at a safe weight, and there was nothing wrong with my life, all my teachers liked me ( most to nearly all still do, its a thing with them ) and i had plenty of friends, as i progressed through school i made some more friends and even a girl friend which at the time i hadnt noticed untill some kids started picking on me about it, that would usual cause me to go and eat lots. soon, we broke up, i really do not know the reason why, we were kids, i don't remember it that well.

so basically throughout the years beyond year 2 ( after 6 years of age ) i was teased, then i'd eat, gain more weight and be teased about that and then eat more, a vicious cycle. i was not alone though my brother was there and we sort of hung out, because we were new and all. But it never was the same, at the time when i was constantly eating to supress what was going on i didn't know id become obese, i caught on late about 14 years of age, at which i was looming the 90kg mark on the scale, i felt alone depressed and basically worthless, i wasn't smart, im still not smart.

When we moved for a second time, this time to a place more affordable, and by that i mean instead of renting my parents purchased there first house and we moved into it, i was once again up rooted from my friends, and i was put into a new school with new people, full of Maoris, no offense to them at all, they just stole all my stuff and never actually cared about the way they treated me. So, i got back into the game and made new friends, but i was very much disliked by a lot of people, except for about 2 Adam ( who is a total dick now, and i'm not friends with him ) and Joseph ( probably the worlds nicest guy i know, he was and still is totally awesome.) during this time, year 5-6 i was at a very high weight and was obese for my age and height.

i had also become quite anti social and only cared about playing games, i was heavily addicted to runescape, and would be continually addicted until about 14 1/2 years, during year 4-5 i was Constantly bullied, not only verbally but physically, and this didn't stop until about a few months ago when i finally stood up for myself. with that amount of strain on me all the time i turned to fantasy life where i could be the bully, and was respected more, i chronically ate and drank fat foods, chips and soft drinks, and had very little activity outside the chair of my room.

during secondary school, ( a school that only has 2 years, years 7-8.) i was bullied also, and not by people from school but by close friends also, bullying ranged from exclusion to verbal to the sad and what i found very hurtful at the time " your fat ". I didn't know what to do so i said F**K them, and slipped further into anti socialism, and this continued until year 9, during year 9 i had my first actually girlfriend, i was totally in love with her, utterly, i would do anything for her, and i did. i lent her money which she promised to pay back, i did some of her homework, all i asked was she loved me back. After a few months ( she didn't even want to kiss me? ) she broke up with me. this caused me to be sad, but not a lot because i realized she didn't love me.

In year 10, i was madly getting into puberty, testosterone in my blood, and that's when 90% of the bullying stopped. in year 10 i realized i was hopelessly lost, and felt depressed because of my weight, my parents verbally abuse me because of it, some times torture me by making me weigh myself in front of them, they used to hit me but not anymore, they just yell at me now, i usually tune out when they do and not listen it helps sometimes but when they yell at me about my friends and how stuipd and unsuccessful they are ( we have only just begun college year 11 is the first year where the first real exam start! ) and say how i will be exactly like them.

i take offense really easy by words, they can hit me, i prefer it as it would go away in a week or 2, but verbal stays with me for longer. And now to get to my current situation, i am fat, stupid and recently broke up with my girl friend because she said i make her feel like a slut, i was disappointed in her because she broke up with me 2 days after our relationship started then came crawling back with a lame excuse, you could say i was looking for a reason to dump her, and i was truly because she hurt me, Very deeply,to sum up what i need advice on will be hard but here goes.

i feel useless, i am unable to do anything right, i feel as if i am a burden on my family being fat, stupid and lonely because no girl that i make friends with will go out with me, i usually keep my emotions to myself as i feel like a bit of a bitch if i talk about myself and tell my story as i have just now, but what i need help is on where to go from here,
i am 176-178CM tall, i weigh 101.9 Kg, my BMI is 32.9 which means i am obese and i am feeling depressed about this, i have a bow flex at home and a tred mill, im on break but i just dont know what to do, and i need some advice on what to do about my life

i need advice on what to do about my :
weight ( obviously work out, but i can never seem to stick to a work out routine anymore )
Loneliness ( i can no longer talk to girls that are considered " hot " although i have a few girls that i am friends with )
Getting rid of all my bad habbits
Friends being so well not accepted by my parents

Please guys, i am not trolling, this is me asking for help, i hope you guys can help and know that this is all true, and i dont know what to do with my life.

Okay go work out and notice all the little changes this article will help This will help you to keep motivated on your workout and not get off it. Going to the gym will also restore convidence thus you will be able to talk to the hot girls again. Getting rid of your bad habbits isn't that hard. I suggest wearing a rubber band arond your wrist then whenever you are starting to do one of your bad habbits snap yourself with it and go to the gym, if you can do this it means you are regaining confidence and control over yourself. At the gym or at a sport you will meet much more open minded people that might have been in the same situation as you were and are now some of the hottest people around, this will help your confidence because these people have accpeted you and will always motivate you to keep pushing that extra mile. Whenever someone insults you laugh it off like it doesn't bother you in the slightest even if it does they will eventually stop realising it has no effect on you. I don't really know about your parents. You could either forigve them or when you are succesful from following these tips and shove it in the bitches faces.
I know, i should go to a gym, but thing is im embarrassed by doing that, i don't know what it is, i have no confidence lately, my uncle offered to take me to a gym and pay me 2 months but i declined as im just to embarrassed by going to it, has anyone else been in this situation?
Same guy from before here- If you embarrased to go to the gym you could download a workout plan you can do from that site I sent you a link to, then when you are no longer embarrased to go to the gym well you can start going. I'm 14 and a bit overweight 2 but my life has never been this bad, that's why I go to the gym now and do boxing training, my brother is a workout freak so he's helping me.
You are not useless- everyone is good at something. Karl Marx said "From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" and he was totally right. Sometimes I don't see a point in life, but I want to carry on because I feel that my purpose in life is to change this world for the better.
[Image: bea699ce6c7acdb7ffbf10d0432f352f.jpg]
well, my embarrassment to go to the gym is over, my dad has forced me to go now. is a personal trainer benefiting?
I had to go to the gym; the first week is boring...
but after that it actually gets really fun...
I had to go for two reasons to gain weight
and then to eventually lose it...
you might end up meeting a hot girl their...
slowly getting better
Dude nothing is over yet...You are still young you can do that crap you say you are 175cm tall and 101kg..Thats awesome tbh on how much you are complaining...You just need to snap from it...Here is what i recomend you..
If you think your weight is problem do PUSHUPS that my friend is best excercise ever before, I though I`am waste tbh but after i started doing pushups it all changed i started getting muscles and my area around tits expanded i got triangle i was sexy tbh and it didnt passed long now i can do 100 pushups without drop and i can do around 600 doing it randomly like each minute 10 or 20..Its just state of mind and here try this for abs if you do these excersise you will get in shape and you will be pro that my friend works my abs in month got ripped tbh not some comercial crap trust me....It`s only 8 minutes and It wont harm you that means you wont hurt your lower back and bend yourself like a stick from all those internet crap No this works....
Next your social life will increase as you do this when you start to lose kg`s you will get major confidense bost when you see results but if you become strong DON`T give yourself strenght to hit a girl don`t ever do that you hear or involve youself in some fights or gangs it will never come out good...Also good thing is to learn to troll a bit when your friends say to you you are fat just laught smile and walk away it dosent harm you trust me you will see by time....
Also you can be shy or you can keep looking for some girls but dosent matter even if you are shy girls will notice you dont worrie ;)....
idk can i tell you anything else except its just brain PM me if you have some problems understanding or something
As for your "weight problems", following this guy has always worked for me.

Loneliness can be hard to get over, but still accomplish-able. Start out on FaceBook, Myspace, Twitter, Bebo, any social networking site works. Then just start talking to them in real life, once you get used to the whole, talking to girls thing.

Working out(link above) is a good way to get testosterone and hormones pumping and flowing. Which will cause unexpected growth in masculinity, causing you not to take offense by others so easily.

Talk to your parents about your friends, say they mean a lot to you, and you don't want to lose them. Your parents should understand and start accepting them.

That's all i can really say to help you out.
Hope things get better.


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