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Hiring someone for our "Company" - Jordan L. - 01-12-2010

So, as many people might know, my mate and I have a 'small company' for software and design.

At the moment, we need a website really badly. I have tried many things, from forums to templates. But I just can't seem to get what I want. So we have decided to start hiring some other members, so it's not just us 3.

What we need:
  • Someone who is good at PHP / HTML / CSS
  • Someone who is willing to not be EXPECTED to be paid, although you most likely will be. Depending on how well selling our software goes.
  • Someone who is easy to work with, and knows that they aren't the only member in the group, someone who can work easily with other people.
  • Someone who realises that they will be expected to help out with Group things, and attend group meetings. And be expected to help out whenever needed.

    I know that sounds like a lot, but it's really not.
    Someone who can work well with others, work hard, and be a great asset to the team. With knowledge of HTML / PHP / CSS, and can make a site for the company.

    The site doesn't have to be anything flashy, just a download page and a clean simple design. If you're interested I'll talk to you and tell you more about what we need done.
What you get in Return:
Please note, as we are only new, we cannot afford to pay your straight away. It all depends on how well sales go + how much you work to see how much you get paid; if any. You will also get all / any of the software we make absolutely free. No charges or whatever, after all, you'll be in the team. You'll also get mentioned on all software / site stuff.

So, that's a basic run down of what we need Smile
I know it's a bit gay that we can't garuantee money, but, we're only new, it depends on how sales go.

Thanks guys Smile
I really look forward to working with you on this one. Smile


RE: Hiring someone for our "Company" - kaigen - 01-12-2010

Ohhh I'm not good enough but tell to my uncle. He's professional designer and programer (also licensed in Joomla, drupal, autodesk and much more...)

Check his website and the portfolio


PD: The web are under construction and the text are in spanish and catalan. Into the most important works are the design of Top racers portal and Edenic games logo.

RE: Hiring someone for our "Company" - Omniscient - 01-12-2010

I gotta be brutally honest here.

How do you have a software and design company and then need help to build your site?

Quote:Please note, as we are only new, we cannot afford to pay your straight away.

Then really don't describe yourself as a company. You just sound like someone trying to get any client work you can when in fact you can't even build your own site. What exactly would you do for clients?

RE: Hiring someone for our "Company" - Jordan L. - 01-12-2010

(01-12-2010, 12:55 PM)Omniscient Wrote: I gotta be brutally honest here.

How do you have a software and design company and then need help to build your site?

Then really don't describe yourself as a company. You just sound like someone trying to get any client work you can when in fact you can't even build your own site. What exactly would you do for clients?

I have been told that exact thing, about how are we are company. I wasn't sure exactly what to call us, so that's why I put "company". I suppose it's more a Project, or a Clan or something. And yes, I admit it's not very good that we can't make our own website, it's just purely the fact that I don't want to use a template, and I am not confident enough in HTML and CSS to build something from scratch. I could edit a template, easily, and add new stuff etc. But I don't want to go off a template. I would've thought it'd be better to go off our own unique design.

From the Website Team of our Crew, I'm only there for setting it up + hosting + managing it. I'm not exactly good in the building side. The only thing I can do "okay" is Forums, but that was only needed for the Community; which I can't start until I get the site up.

And the reason I say I'm not sure if we will be able to pay, is purely because of the fact that it all depends on how much money we actually make. We have 4 members in Pyrite at the moment, and all of them are volounteer, and don't expect to get paid. They're just doing it for fun, and the fun of being a clan and working with other people. Most of our Software we make is free at the moment anyway, there is only one "Premium Program" That you have to pay for. Which, barely anyone (Meaning No-one) have bought it, because we can't get a site up and running in order to advertise.

I hope that answers your questions, Omni. Smile
If you have anymore fire away.

RE: Hiring someone for our "Company" - Gaijin - 01-12-2010

You could tell me what type of Theme you want, what colors it should have and how many Pages you need..
Do these pages should look the same or will they have different positioning...
What type of Navigation you want, Horizontal or Vertical and should the links have icons by their side...

Does the page needs JavaScript or just pure (x)HTML/CSS...

I would be able to help, but I can't promise you fast work as I'm really busy atm that I can't even update my projects...
I could do it for free, but that would make your Theme slide down on my toDo list, as I have projects that are paid and I have a deadline for finishing them...

I also can't join the club, because I have my Projects and I already told Anonim Interface to help him out with his project...

RE: Hiring someone for our "Company" - Jordan L. - 01-12-2010

(01-12-2010, 06:44 PM)Master of The Universe Wrote: You could tell me what type of Theme you want, what colors it should have and how many Pages you need..
Do these pages should look the same or will they have different positioning...
What type of Navigation you want, Horizontal or Vertical and should the links have icons by their side...

Does the page needs JavaScript or just pure (x)HTML/CSS...

I would be able to help, but I can't promise you fast work as I'm really busy atm that I can't even update my projects...
I could do it for free, but that would make your Theme slide down on my toDo list, as I have projects that are paid and I have a deadline for finishing them...

I also can't join the club, because I have my Projects and I already told Anonim Interface to help him out with his project...
  • We're looking for:
  • Something Red with a Light base. Not bright, light. Like, a creme type colour.
  • We'd need a Main Page, Downloads Page, Contact Page.. that's about all really.
  • The pages should look the same.
  • Horizontal Navigation with icons next to the links, please.
  • For the Languages, I need something where it can count how many tihngs have been downloaded.. like "rPort Views: Downloads:" (If you know what I mean.

I can take care of graphics or whatever you need, whatever helps you work.
And say I was to pay you, to get tihngs done quicker, how much would you be looking for? For the above mentioned things.

And thanks MoTU. You're a really great guy. Smile

RE: Hiring someone for our "Company" - Gaijin - 01-12-2010

About the money, atm I don't really need payed projects, so I could do it for 10-15$, it may get higher if you wish changes and less if I fudge something up.... (which will not happen).... The promise to pay me would just tell my ego that it needs to be done asap, got that...

So the money isn't important now, we can talk about that later...

As for the Theme, do you want it to be "shiny" or just smooth colours...
And let me get it straight...
[Header] Anything else to put in here?
[Navigation] Search input?
[Main Content area] 1,2 or 3 columns...?

For the counter we have 2 options, using PHP I can either save and read it from a DB or a File... What you prefer!
The theme would be xHtml coded not PHP and no possibillity to update a page online, but you would need to manualy edit it's content and upload it again...

RE: Hiring someone for our "Company" - Jordan L. - 01-12-2010

Thanks MoTU. And yeah, I do need it fairly quickly.
  • Shiny Colours would be good, but not so shiny that if hurts your eyes. If you get what I mean? I want something appealing, but easy to read off without getting distracted.
  • For the header.. umm.. I'm not really sure what else would need to go there.. I suppose just the banner (I'll make).. and the navigation or whatever.
  • A search bar could be pretty good Smile
  • For the Main Content Area, I need something where I can still write stuff in the Page, but have like a 'sidebar' where I can put the Latest Releases or what not.
  • In the Footer, just a Copyright Pyrite Design 2010© or whatever..

And reading the file off a database would be really good. Would that mean I could have a counter for the Downloads aswell as Views?
And that's no problem about not being able to update online, I'll re-upload etc. That's fine.

RE: Hiring someone for our "Company" - Gaijin - 01-12-2010

Yes you can count both, Downloads and views it's a pretty easy code to do that... 3min of work.
Ok don't worry about the too shiny thing, shiny and glass effects is what I do best....
As for the search bar, you can use google's search bar to search the site and web...
take a look, ( I can't belive that the page is still online and when I make one for my tutorials they delete it suckaz)

I'll contact you over PM as my IM's are getting to much Bot love... they all want me...
I'm now off.. if you forgot something just M me...

RE: Hiring someone for our "Company" - Gaijin - 01-19-2010

Here you go, I hope this is what you look for....

Live Preview:
[Image: valid-xhtml10] (Scanned by Direct Input)
[Image: vcss]
CSS 2.1 valid

xHTML and CSS are both valid according to the standards, if you scan the page you will get one error because of the link 110mb puts on the hosted sites...
Scanned by URL, as you can see it's the dumb link from 110mb...

I also did it for Cross-Browser use...

I will finish the PHP code for the Downloads soon and then send you the files, if you're satisfied....