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Am I emotionally unstable?! - Printable Version

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Am I emotionally unstable?! - Unicorn94 - 02-08-2015

Okay quick background information. Parents divorced when I was 3 absuive dad, last attack was 3 years ago now. Older brother and sister loved drugs when I was growing up. My mother and father have both been alcoholics. I'm 20 years old, moved 5 hours away from my home town and I have a boy who's three in March. His dad isn't involved and doesn't want to be at all. I also had to go through an abortion October just gone, told my sister who decided to inform my dad who's response was im going to end up with lots of different children from lots of different men.

Okay my current issue is I have recently got a boyfriend and well hes soppy and emotional and pays me compliments which is hard enough for me to handle on its own I hate them. But on Friday he pined me down and just started telling me how much he liked me and how he felt and it made me cry!! Like what?! Why did I cry?! Am I houng insane? What's wrong?!

RE: Am I emotionally unstable?! - Jolie777 - 08-07-2015

Hi Unicorn,
I'm new here but I saw your post and thought I'd tell you my opinion based on the short info you gave about your life...
You said you had an abusive childhood in an unstable home...this usually leaves people with a twisted sense of what they want and need. While you know you deserve and want a man who is good to you, your primary male model in your childhood (the first man you loved) might not have been good to might feel that you are attracted to men who treat you badly and reject compliments and such because it doesn't resonate with what you learned about love in your formative years. Maybe you cried because his affection brought up unhealed wounds from your past...the good news is that you are still able to learn and that being aware about being emotionally unstable is the first step to becoming emotionally stable.
I recommend the book Emotional Alchemy

RE: Am I emotionally unstable?! - iopel45sd - 10-29-2015

who is good to you?
land rover service