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[javascript] Link of Minute - Printable Version

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[javascript] Link of Minute - zone - 11-06-2009

Credits and Source:

Name: Link Of Minute
Description: JavaScript will create a link that will change depending on the minute of the hour! You can add as many entries as you want!

Insert into <BODY>

<!-- Original:  Joe Merical  -->

<!-- Begin
var links = 12; // set this to the number of links you have below!
var dateCur = new Date();
var rd = dateCur.getMinutes();
var ra = rd % links;
var re = ++ra;
var url = "document.write(re)";
var text = "";
if (re == 1) {
url = "";
text = "The JavaScript Source";
if (re == 2) {
url = "";
text = "HTMLgoodies";
if (re == 3) {
url = "";
text = " Search Engine";
if (re == 4) {
url = "";
text = "Microsoft, Inc.";
if (re == 5) {
url = "";
text = "Netscape's web site";
if (re == 6) {
url = "";
text = "HotBot's Search Engine";
if (re == 7) {
url = "";
text = "";
if (re == 8) {
url = "";
text = "Digital Altavista - A Search Engine";
if (re == 9) {
url = "";
text = "Web Diner - Help on the Web";
if (re == 10) {
url = "";
text = "SmartClicks - Free advertising on the Web";
if (re == 11) {
url = "";
text = "Awards Jungle - One Stop Awards Submission";
if (re == 12) {
url = "";
text = "Geocities - Get a FREE web site";
var link="<A TARGET=\"_top\" HREF=\""+url+"\" onMouseOver=\"window.status='"+text+"'\">"+text+"</A>";
// End -->

That's it
Thankyou for reading. Be happy always Smile

RE: [javascript] Link of Minute - jolttz - 11-08-2009

Thanks, I was going to write something like that.

RE: [javascript] Link of Minute - zone - 11-08-2009

No problem

RE: [javascript] Link of Minute - Sagittarius - 12-11-2009

i like that code many many thank poster...