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Are Apple's computers worth it - Printable Version

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RE: Are Apple's computers worth it - Fragma - 01-11-2012

Extasey, you totally ruined a perfectly decent debate by,
1. Not reading through the thread, and therefore jumping to conclusions about what others have said.
2. Getting on the defensive way too much.

You mention something about "PC fan boys" in your first post.. Was that directed at me and Ace?
If so that doesn't make any sense at all. Just because I can clearly see more benefits to having a PC than a Mac, that doesn't make me a "fan boy". I've used both Macs and PC's for the past 10 years, 50/50, so I know how both perform. I've researched the specs for lots of different Mac builds, and your point about them having decent quality parts in comparison to the PC is just a stupid thing to say really... That to me is a clear indication that Apple have successfully brainwashed you with their advertising powers.

"If you use a Mac for 6 months, I can guarantee you would love it."

Again, I've used them for 10 years, and yes they are nice, but the point I've been getting at throughout this whole thread is that they're not worth the money... (Not sure if you read the thread title?) Having a pretty OS with lots of bouncy icons along the bottom is all well and good, but when it costs me twice as much as a PC with similar specs, then you have to start asking are you getting your moneys worth? The answer is no.

RE: Are Apple's computers worth it - .Legacy. - 01-11-2012

Mac's are worth it if you're into graphics, editing, and stuff like that. If you don't care about compatibility.

RE: Are Apple's computers worth it - Fragma - 01-11-2012

(01-11-2012, 01:22 AM).Legacy. Wrote: Mac's are worth it if you're into graphics, editing, and stuff like that. If you don't care about compatibility.

Not really. There's nothing you can do graphics/editing wise on a Mac that you can't do just as well on a PC.

RE: Are Apple's computers worth it - Feel My Swag - 01-14-2012

I don't think apple PCS are really that good , maybe on the lines of photoshop but really the specs are crap IMO

RE: Are Apple's computers worth it - Techie. - 01-15-2012

Apple Macbooks are great to be honest.

RE: Are Apple's computers worth it - ÜB3R - 01-17-2012

Unless you are goin to using the system for graphic designing or music producing then i would personally say the apple product will not be for you. If you are more into gaming and general pc usage then go with windows as the price will be far lower than apple and have a far better specification Thumbsup

RE: Are Apple's computers worth it - Zoidberg - 01-23-2012

When I am Web Developing OS X is the only way to go. It has so much exclusive software that it is almost twice as fast for me to develop, for your needs a Windows PC will be fine. The only benefits OS X really has are to do with design and web development, for everything else a Windows machine will do an equal or better job, and will be much cheaper.

RE: Are Apple's computers worth it - Meat - 01-25-2012

If your going for gaming it's not worth it, but if you using it for like etc... It's really good Smile
I use a 7 years old macbook from my sister and let me tell you it's freakin awesome Smile
I bring it around everywhere Smile

RE: Are Apple's computers worth it - Crystal - 01-30-2012

I dont like iProducts or Apple products because the main reason is they are highly over priced.. Secondly , its a complete different interface which is different from windows and the mojourity of people in the world use windows which means that windows is more user friendly then Mac...
On a personal i am anti- iProducts.. So I would say dont buy it...
Rest is upto you..

RE: Are Apple's computers worth it - Julia Gillard - 01-31-2012

I don't believe Apple is any better, i would rather go with windows xp. the old style very classic.